Chapter 8 - Et Tu Michelle?

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“We, Mike?” said Kirsty suddenly and cryptically.

“We what?” replied Mike, unsure where this was going.

“Earlier today, when you arrived.  You said ‘WE’ went to the medical Centre first,” replied Kirsty, by way of direct clarification of her point.

“Hey, has anyone seen a set of keys,” shouted grant from the bedroom.”I can’t find them anywhere.”

“Oh,” said Kirsty, glancing round in the lounge area.  “Where did you last have them?”

“Not sure,” said Grant, now looking around the kitchen area.  “I think I may have left them on the Yacht”.

“I’ll come with you to look,” pressed Mike.

“No, we can’t drive Mike. We’ve been drinking. Kirsty, ............could you be a real star and drive me to the marina please?”

“Sure.  No problem. It will only take a few minutes,” said Kirsty.

“Can you keep an eye on Michelle, Mike?” said Grant in a low voice.

“Hey, I heard that," shouted Michelle from the bedroom. “I don’t need any looking after, I’ll be fine.”

Mike looked at Grant and just nodded his acceptance.

Kirsty grabbed her keys and her mobile and she gave Grant a small kiss.  “Be good, we’ll continue our little conversation when I get back” she said, raising an eyebrow.

“Bye Babes,” Shouted Grant to Michelle.


Kate looked in the mirror.  Is this dress too short for tonight, she thought?  She had put up her hair, because someone had once told her it looked more sophisticated that way.

She checked that she had everything in her handbag and gave herself a few last dabs of her favourite French perfume.  I wonder if he will like it too, she thought.

She checked again in the mirror, but was unsure.  Her normal self confidence had all evaporated and she felt really unsure of how she looked and even how she felt.  Grabbing her keys and bag, she quietly slipped out of house and, leaving her car on the overgrown drive, she started to walk the short distance to the crossroads.

It was still warm and dusty outside, but the occasional slight breeze brought fresher air.  She had goose-bumps, but she didn’t know if they were from the wind or from her anticipation of what was to lie ahead that evening.

She had only been at the cross-roads for a few moments when a large silver car approaching flashed it headlights.  Kate jumped and her heart rate and breathing increased.  She strained to get a good look at the driver.  Her face lit up in an enormous grin when she recognised the driver, who gave her a small wave.

The Mercedes indicated and came to a gentle stop.  Kate rushed to the passenger door and jumped in without a moment’s hesitation.

“Hi Kate”.

“Hi Alex,” replied Kate, planting a kiss on his cheek.

Alex. Looked at Kate for a Moment “Hey, you look really terrific, Kate”.

He started to drive away again and continued along the road the way he had been heading.

Kate was breathing hard and she was sure Alex would notice her heart beating so strongly.

“Why thank you sir, you don’t look bad yourself for an oldie,” Kate teased.

Alex laughed, which made Kate smile even more.

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