Chapter 1

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"Savannah get your lazy ass up, there is no way you are missing the first day of school. Now come on you have 30 minutes before I have to drop you off." I moaned a non-coherent response as my wonderful sister, Maddie huffed and slammed my bedroom door.

Rolling over to glance at my phone, I saw that the clock read 7:00 am. I really...really...really didn't want to go to school today. As usual, I didn't have any messages because I didn't have any friends here in this god forsaken town. After hearing Maddie yelling at me to get up again, I decided to follow her wishes. Looking at myself in the mirror, I could clearly see the predominant dark blue circles under my eyes from where I haven't had any sleep for about two weeks now. My long blonde hair is beyond frizzy and tangled. Great.

Grabbing my makeup bag, I went to work. Entering my closet, I picked out black skinny jeans, a white tank top with a blue plaid button up to tie around my waist, and white combat boots. Giving myself one finally look over, I grabbed my book bag and headed out my room.

Maddie was behind the kitchen counter drinking a cup of coffee and glancing over the paper. Moving boxes still lined the walls. We've only been in this town for three days and still haven't unpacked all of our stuff, plus one of the moving vans lost all of our entertainment systems including our router so we didn't even have WiFi. So much for Netflix.

"Don't forget that you have a meeting with the guidance counselor this morning, so we need to leave now for school." Maddie said as she grabbed her keys and headed out to the car. Having a quick bite of her left over toast, I followed her out.

We were both silent in the car. I think all that has happened to us in the last two months has really changed us. Maddie is not the stay out late college student anymore and I'm not the happy girl I use to be. It's been a constant struggle to find the light in all of this, but I know it's there....somewhere.

"Are you excited for you first day?" I asked Maddie.

"Ya, a little nervous, but still excited. At least now we don't have to worry about running out of money." There goes my sister turning a somewhat good conversation into a total downer.

I shook my head in agreement. We didn't talk again until we got to the school. A few students were already gathered outside. Taking a deep breath I got out of the car and closed the door just as Maddie was wishing me good luck. In my case I was going to need more than luck. As I made my way to the front doors of the schools, I noticed that all of the other kids were staring at me as I made my way. Great, school hasn't even started and I'm already getting weird glances. As if I wasn't nervous enough already.

Opening the glass door, I immediately noticed that the hallways were decorated in nothing but blue, white, and yellow. Their mascot, the panther, had pictures all over the place. I trudged my way to the main office.

A little old lady with spectacles half way down her nose was seated at the front desk. She smiled a sweet smile as I entered so I felt obliged to return the gesture.

"Good morning sweetie, what can I help you with?" She reminded of my grandmother whose house I use to stay at.

"Umm.. yes. I have an appointment with the guidance counselor, but I don't know where their office is." I tried to appear all smiles for the little old lady.

"Mrs. Daphne Sparks' office is right down this hallway, I will show you." The old lady got up from her seat and I followed her down a short hallway to a back office room.

Seating at the desk in the room was a tall red head women with a big smile on her face. Did everyone smile here?

"You must be Savannah, I'm Mrs. Sparks." She stood and shook my hand. The old lady had returned to the front and Mrs. Sparks gestured for me to take a seat while she pulled something up on the computer.

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