Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

All feeling had left my body. Matt started to back away slowly like a puppy dog with his tail between his legs. I could feel Tim's breath on my neck. Screw his offer, I'd rather walk home than put my life in the hands of the idiotic Tim Riggins.

Turning around, I could see that Tim's hair was still damp from all the sweat he worked up. He was swirling his keys around his finger. There he goes again with that stupid smug grin on his face. It had only been a week and practically half of the school girls, actually no half of the girls in Toby, California had graciously told me about their times in the back of Tim's truck. After knowing all of the sex that had gone on in that thing, I was not about to sit in it.

"You don't have to, I'll just walk home." I turned around, but a hand grabbed my wrist and spun me back around.

"Don't be stupid, Savannah. Just get in my truck."

"No, Tim. I know what has happened in that truck." I ripped my wrist away from him.

"And what is that?" he furrowed his brow.

"As your rally girl I have been bestowed with the gift of every girl coming up to me saying how great of a time they have with you. Mainly in that damn truck. Also, why would I take a favor from you after how rudely you treated me today?" I crossed my arms across my chest.

Tim now dropped his clothes bag onto the field and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Maybe, I'm trying to apologize by giving you a ride." He huffed.

I was actually shocked that Tim Riggins was being sincere.

"You're apologizing? The Tim Riggins of the Toby Panthers is apologizing to little ole me, but I'm nothing but a nerd." I was trying to make a joke now, since I was sorting starting to forgive him.

He cracked a smile and took a step closer to me. Once again, he started flipping the keys in his hands.

"Yes, I guess I am." He shrugged his shoulders.

I contemplated whether or not I should take his offer. It would take me forever to get home if I walked, and Tim did offer this as an apology.

"Alright Riggins, lead the way," I said while ushering towards the parking lot.

A grin grew upon his face as he picked up his bag and slung his arm around me. I shrugged it off and I saw confusion pass across his face.

"Sorry, but you're sweaty and I don't want to smell of....dude." I tried to turn the awkward situation into a joke. Tim laughed a little.

Truth was I just didn't want the people around us to get the wrong impression and then peg me as the average rally girl. It wasn't a secret around the school or even in Toby that the rally girls did anything for the football players. When I say anything, I do mean anything. From doing their homework to "releasing their stress". The other girls loved sharing with the team what they had to do for their player last night. Listening to them tell their sexapades was like listening to the audio book of Fifty Shades. I also realized how little self-respect some of these girls had for themselves.

I could see some eyes on us already as we walked off the field and towards the parking lot. Tim's blue pickup sat in the far corner of the lot. Students kept coming up to us. By us I mean Tim, so they could congratulate him on an awesome game. It was easy to see that if you played football here in Toby, California you were the equivalent to being famous. Tim greeted everyone with a smile. It was obvious he was in his element.

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