Patchlog - v2.0.0

55 4 0

System startup initiated at 2:26pm
System name: AVERNA
Current: 2.0.0
Transferring files . . . Complete
Local backup: Saved to REX
Files running . . . Complete

Run HcOS: 2.0.0 on AVERNA?
Yes No

Running 2.0.0
Please wait . . .

"There you go. It's all running smoothly. You can go give your speech now Rex." Rex sat in a chair next to an operating table dozing off with a decent set of noise-canceling headphones on. On the operating table was a young girl laying on her stomach while Rex's father was programming her. She was hooked up to multiple medical life-saving machines with only the sound of their humming and her shallow breathing could be heard.
Rex's father used his foot to knock off the headphones from Rex's head to avoid contaminating the girl, "I said you're done Rex. Go give your speech."
Rex nodded, unplugging the chord from the back of his neck, "alright. Call me if you need anything father." Rex shook his dirty blonde hair back in place, "and don't take too long. You know how I don't like giving speeches to kids my age."
"They're all at least a year younger than you. You're 19 now."
"Yeah, and she's 18. Close enough to my age." Rex retorted.
His father shook his head, "she's your new training partner. You better get used to having her around."
"What kind of name is Averna, anyway? I never asked for a training partner. I asked for another programmer."
"She was supposed to be the new programmer. But when tragedy strikes there are some decisions that need to be made. Unfortunately she saved the life of another who would've been a better subject. It was an 'accident' so they say. I do not believe that the large ceiling fans in the gymnasiums fall off the ceilings everyday. She has the knowledge so I'd rather keep her close then let her be gone forever. I interviewed her six months ago and gave her the full ride scholarship to study and learn. Would you rather have an unintelligent being as your partner?"
Rex glared at the young girl's face, "she doesn't look too intelligent to me."
"The point is we're already set back. I have to find a new programmer and now she's receiving 2.0.0 instead of test running it on a stable system."
"You gave her 1.8.9 correct?" Rex raised an eyebrow, "and don't give me a look. Don't be as foolish to think I'm uneducated on how I operate."
"Yes she has a full backup of 1.8.9 but I doubt she'll be needing it."
Rex started walking out to change out of scrubs, "and you better be careful with her. She's the only one like me."

Connection to central nerve found.
Connection secured.
Testing central never connection.
Connection success.
Access to neural pathways found.
Connection secured.
Testing neural connections_

Eight years ago_
"Look mom! I won I won!" I smiled and pointed to the screen. A new record and high score. Gaming was always a hobby for me. It made me smile when I won.
My sister pouted, "it's not fair! She always wins."
"I like this game." I smiled.
My mother just laughed, "Averna, it's time for you and your sister to go to bed."
"But mom!" We pouted.
"No buts. Too much screen time and electronics is bad for your health."
"Fine." We both agreed and slumped up the stairs to our room we shared.
Once we had finally gotten ready for bed and (finally) were in bed, I turned the light on above my bottom bunk of the bed, "I wish I was that cool. I wanna race around the city and have cool gadgets just like in the game."
"I wish you'd turn off the light. Mr. Miggens doesn't like it." My sister stuck her stuffed animal monkey down from the top bunk for me to see.
I switched off the light and dove beneath the covers. "You're just chicken because you'd loose."

Eight months ago_
"...And sent!" I smiled as I clicked the send application button, "And there we go, I just applied for two universities. Aren't you proud?" I smiled to my mother and father.
"We're just proud you turned them in on time," My mother sighed to herself.
I shrugged, "I don't procrastinate that much...I just hope I get that Glendelale scholarship. Only two people in the world get that scholarship every year. It'd be very helpful and give me the job experience."
"Just don't get your hopes up, I'm sure they're going to receive hundreds of applicants." My father assured me.
"I just hope I stand out enough." I told myself. And sure enough, I did stand out. My creativity was what was needed. My application was selected two months later, and on March 6th I was to have my final interview to see if I actually did fulfill the requirements and to learn of my task and study program.

March 06_13:32:24_
"Ooh! Don't yOu have that iNTERview TOday?" Sarah asked me as we jogged laps around the gym as a warmup for PE.
"Ooh! Good LUcK! I knOw yOu'LL do great! Just dON't GEt tOo sWEaTy!"
The sound of something loud cracking echoed around the room.
My vision looked back and forth before looking up. The large gymnaisum fan was beginning to fall. My vision returned to my hands, then Sarah. My hands made contact with her back and pushed her out of the way.

Wait, March 6th is today. Why can't I remember anything what happened? What was with that horror-dream of gym class? Why couldn't I say something? Why was everything distorted? Did the interview happen? Was I late? Did I make it? Was I too sweaty? What happened to me?

Neural connections success.
Brain mapping success.
Ready to boot.
System now booting_

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