I woke to the sound of my alarm clock, i got up to turn it off but it already went off.so.. much for getting up..I was so tired,but i remembered today was my first day of college. I was to lazy so i just went back to sleep.but, my mom shouted from down stairs,"Alyianna, Honey,get up and get ready and come down and eat breakfast.Hurry up cause it's your first day of college.!"Ugh! men it's annoying when your to tired and you have to get up and get ready for school,EARLY!!!
It's like 4:06 a.m. ugh! So, i got up from bed and went to my bathroom. o.m.g.! i'm a wreck,my hair looks puffed and tangled,my clothes.My shirt was all the way to my bra and my shorts were uneven! so, i started the shower and started to stripped my clothes off. I went in the tub and let the hot water run through my body.**few sec.**i was done then i put on my uniform it was very cute.So, i went downstairs to eat breakfast and i was shocked to see Adam right there in my living room just sitting there watching T.V. I was going to the last steps of the stairs slowly and quietly,but to late,my mom spoke"Alyianna go over there and say hi to Adam."he looked back "Shit' i mummbled to myself.He staned up men he's so cute,i had a crush on ever since i was 4th grade but he was sixth.And i can't believe he's in my house.men i he's still the same even his style but except the uniform but he would always were snapbacks..Wait!....His uniform it's the same brand as mine just in a guy way style.HE GOES TO MY SCHOOL!!!! why? we've been going to the same school my first school was Dominican Catholic School it was a fun and funny and crazy school,and that were i saw him but we nerved talk to eachother until now we've all ways just starred ta eachother and look eachother. Then next was JFK. Then now,college, he got up from his seat and walked to me,
"Hi,I'm Adam and your Alyianna..Right?"O.M.G. he knows my name."Ya,And i know who you are." he just smiled and walked to the counter and started to eat when my mom gave him a plate.Then i went to sit one chair away from him,then my mom gave me my plate and said"Alyianna Adam has joined us to eat breakfast and dinner."my mom mind message me.oh ya! I forgot to tell you i was a vampire.'Oh,ya! He know's about us and your father' my mom mind messaged me back.'How did you tell him!'No.He has the mark,he's your mate.' Hell no it can't be how is that ya i liked him ever since but i don't know if he likes me.'I do.'
'mmm,hhmm' "Are you reading my thoughts?!" "Yup" he said popping the 'p'."Stop that" 'Mom how?' 'He has the Moon Mark and you have the Star Mark' I don't believe he has the Moon i never believed i have a mate mom. I need proof!' "Adam" my mom said "Sure" Adam said and he got up and unbotten his jacket then is shirt which those were ihs uniform.his front showed and he turned around and he had.......I gasped......he had the big Moon mark on the middle of his stomach on top og his abbs, I have to say he has nice abbs. 'Thanks!' he mind message me.'Stay out of my thoughts!' 'Never!' ugh. " Hey you two should try that thing when but mate's show there Mark's but the mark has to be infront of eachother!" "NO!" i said, " Why not? Are you to scared!" he said "Ugh! Fine! only one time! mmooomm!!" he just stood up and moved his shirt more away from the Moon.I totally forgot that he didn't botten it so i unbotten my cardian and my uniform or shirt. Luckily,i was wearing inside shirt i lifted it up not to close to showing my nummies(boobs or bra). what.the.there's a light forming in the middle of us forget that it was forming into a ball light.
"Quick both of you put one of each of your hands together or else the place will low up!!!!!! We both put one of are hands together we both picked are right hand and put it together at same time.Weird.Then my father put his hand on the top of our hands and my mom put hers on the bottom of ours.Then it stoped,then me and Adam pulled or covered it then put our uniforms back the way they are."Well i guess you two should get going!" my mom said.I was using my vampire mind reading and read or hear wht my parents are talking about.

Teenage Kicks!
Vampire"What's going on!!!"i said freaking out.Someone or some vamps kidnapped me. I know there vamps because i'm one but a nice one. Hi,my name is allyianna and i'm 18.I friends who ONE DIRECTION!!!! awesome and my old crush when i was young goes to my s...