'But i hate using my fricken powers, there's even two powers that our to powerful' dumb head.
'hey!' he said
'your fault and get out of my head or else' i said.
'or else what....' he said back
'Wait and see' i said.
"Come on Natalie,we need to get you at the nerses office" we got there in seconds she already knows what i'm am and there were was nobody out because they were already in class 'Shit' i mumbled to myself. I totally forgot about class any ways i have a reason.So, we went in to the nerses office and she just said,"what happened wait let me guess,she fell on the stairs" I nodded.
"umm,i'm just going to give her to you to take care of and go to class" the nerse nodded and i placed her on the chair and walked to the door and closed it behind me.I zoomed to my next and to becarful not to get caught.My next subject was Chemistry,Ugh Adam was in that subject.Well,I got to just go with it.
So i got to the door and saw Tr.Lorna Dulana discussing,wait,doesn't she teach social studies and math.'Ya,but the chemistry teacher died because your dad killed him.' he said
'Hey! you can't always blam my dad,what about your dad hmm...' i said 'uhh..' 'That's what i thought'
I walked in and she spoke,"umm,miss martinez would you like to explain your self."Tr.Lorna
"I was helping my best friend get to the nerses office because she trippped on the stairs." I lied.I hate to lie.'ya,but you have to'he said.
'Shut up'i snapped back we both death glarred at eachother.
"Ok,then go take your seat right next to...umm.... Adam," What!Why? I know i like him but he hurt my best friend.'So you do still like me.' I sighed and walked to the empty seat next to him.Tr.Lorna started to talk about chemistry again and i took out my drawing not book but i always changed it to seem like i'm taking notes. 'Cheater' he said.'Shut up'
I started to draw the moon and the star i'm always drawing this, but in dirfferent ways,like right now i'm drawing an eclispe with the star in front of the moon.Weird,i wonder why?'Because that how it's going to be and your feelings and.....us.And you can tell whats going to happen.' 'But why?Wait don't answer it .nevermind.'
I was now drawing something different.It is a peach tree with a girl sitting on the groung next to the tree and a boy sitting on a branch relaxing.wait..the girl i just drew looks like me and the boy looks like...

Teenage Kicks!
Vampire"What's going on!!!"i said freaking out.Someone or some vamps kidnapped me. I know there vamps because i'm one but a nice one. Hi,my name is allyianna and i'm 18.I friends who ONE DIRECTION!!!! awesome and my old crush when i was young goes to my s...