"Because i'm suposse to be you with you all the time" know wonder why i always see him in every school i go to."mmm,k i coming, let me just get my bag." I ran downstairs and went to adam,he was waiting at door leaning on the door frame.I came up to him and we started to walk next to eachother.We kept brushing are hands together.
"You know if you want to hold hands,you could've just asked."he said with that evil grinn he can't stop grinning can't he.'Nope.' 'Ugh! stay out of my head!'
"umm,actually about that hand thing, th-"he cutt me off by holding my hand and just kissed my cheek quickly.What a vampire. We got to our college and my best friend Natalie was in the front of the school waiting for me.
" Hey Natalie,remembered Adam?" i said jestruing to him.
"umm,ya,umm or you guys a thing or are you just....?' she asked and had curiose look and a bit of scared face.'of course she's scared....'
'what are you doing to her?...' 'Nothing' 'Just this....' i was trying to read his mind but he blocked me out. Next thing i know she's screaming in pain on the foor. "stop it your hurting her not until you give me a kiss." ugh his stupid grin'Ya but love my grins' "Never" I said and his grinn went to angry he looked at Natalie and he hurt her even more. I thought i'd never do this but i actually used my power and forced feiled and it stopped but he tryed harder but it reflected on him, men i love my powers and yes i have a lot of powers i'm the only vampire with the only one who had a lot of powers but except for adam we both have the same powers because he's the moon i'm the star but more powerful.
"Your gonna pay for that!" he got up but before he could do anything to me the bell rang he just said in my mind,'men if only i had the power to just stop everything i would do something to you' 'hhmmmm,let me see who has the power of doing that ya that's right.Me!' i stook my tongue out to him. He just gave me a mad face and then zoomed out in the school.
"what happend?" Natalie said while getting up.
"You fell dow the stairs..." i said while pointing to the stairs next to us.
"but, I remembered Adam being here." she said while pointing to the spot were adam was. Ugh! i hate when he buds in to everything i do and get.'Because i love you and i love it when you get angry and use your powers'

Teenage Kicks!
Vampire"What's going on!!!"i said freaking out.Someone or some vamps kidnapped me. I know there vamps because i'm one but a nice one. Hi,my name is allyianna and i'm 18.I friends who ONE DIRECTION!!!! awesome and my old crush when i was young goes to my s...