Adam."Wow you draw me good." "mmhmm"
The bell rang and it was snack.yes,i could eat human food and it can fill me but we vampires need blood to survive that's why i drank a lot this morning.I went outside the room and adam was behind me.
"Hey Alyianna,Do you want to go to the mall?"Natalie said
'You better say no!' adam said
"Sure i'd love to go to the mall witth you..." i said
"ok,but were bringing some friends ok," yes,I hope she brings Niall.He's are best friend too but he thinks wer dating."Hey Natalie could we bring Niall?!"
"Sure" she said.'Who's Niall Alyi?!'
'It's somebody you don't need to know!' I snapped back. 'Tell me!' 'FINE! He's a werewolf and he knows i'm a vampire but we are very good friends and he thinks-' he cut me off 'ya,I know' "Hey Niall do you want to come with me and Natalie to the mall" i said because i have a power if you the werewolf's name in the saying of the sentences, they could hear you."Sure!"
"Who's this vampire dude!!" He said almost in a growl.
"I'M Her MATE!!"adam said almost pounching him.
"No I'm her mate" niall said showing the moon on his stomach or i might say abbs.Wait...How come he nevered showed me his mark..........

Teenage Kicks!
Vampire"What's going on!!!"i said freaking out.Someone or some vamps kidnapped me. I know there vamps because i'm one but a nice one. Hi,my name is allyianna and i'm 18.I friends who ONE DIRECTION!!!! awesome and my old crush when i was young goes to my s...