The tree things

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"Bye!" I call to Brynna as we head out the doors of the tardis, we're going out because Dad had said, "There's a problem I've been meaning to tackle for a while, and now I have enough people to." The reason Brynna isn't coming with us is that we assume that now that Brynna has been missing for a while, Madame Kovarian will likely be on full alert looking for her. So the tardis is the safest place for Brynna at the moment. Although Brynna is angry at being left behind, but I know she's going to be okay, because she can walk again and will likely explore the tardis.
We're walking through a spacious field, my dad is talking a mile a minute. "Okay, " he said, rubbing his hands together, "so, there's these trees, and they're not actually trees, well, they are, but the deal is, if you get too close they will eat you, but not all of you, they leave some of you're body alive, but just alive enough to go out and lure others to them, then, once you've lured another person to them, they eat the rest of your body, but they do not eat your soul, your soul leaves when they start the eating you process, sort of a... defense mechanism...thing, and the only way you can tell them apart from normal trees is that the stems of the leaves are purple, instead of green. But, that's not very useful, because if you manage to get close enough to see the leaves, then you're already dying, so this is... going to be a tricky one. And try not to get captured." I roll my eyes. This is going to take a while.
I zoned out soon after dad started ranting about... something... When I finally come back to reality, we have stopped walking, and everyone is staring at me. Or rather, behind me.
   "Brooke," Dad says, "step to us very, very slowly." I see Mum pulling out her gun. I start to step forward, when suddenly, an invisible force, like arms or something, grabs me from behind, pulling me to it. I start kicking and yelling, I twist around just enough to we what's got me. It's a tree thing! I see another tree go for Rose and John Smith. And another go for my parents, Mum shoots the tree, making it lean back a bit, before she and Dad run to John and Rose, who are beating the tree back with a stray branch they've found on the ground. They all manage to escape into a group of bushes we passed a minute back, John yelling that they would be back for me. I roll my eyes again. Typical.
Brynna closed the Harry Potter book she was reading and wandered into the kitchen. she absentmindedly grabbed the peanut butter and the milk and started eating and drinking from both of them. She wandered into the console room and started messing with buttons, hoping she wouldn't accidentally go to some distant planet, when all of the sudden, her favorite song came on, she grinned, and pressed a few more random buttons, the music got louder. Brynna laughed. Maybe she could have some fun after all.
   The tree thing pulls me deeper into it's branches.
   "Sooooo," I say "I see I'm not dead yet. Does that mean I'm a hostage?" It doesn't do anything. Well what did I expect? it's a tree for goodness sake! I see Rose come out of the bushes. She carefully manuvers her way over to where I am.
   "Hello." She calls, all the trees seem to shift slightly in her direction. "So, er, what do we have to go to get Brooke back?" The trees decide to attack, and all the sudden Rose is dodging more blows from invisible branches. Something catches my eye, my Mum is sneaking by with... A flamethrower?! Where the raxicoricofallopatorious did she get one of those?! She certainly didn't have time to go back to the TARDIS and get one! As I'm watching Mum sneak around Rose, who is still talking to and dodging the trees, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I gasp and look over, breathing a sigh of relief when I see it's my Dad and John. Dad points his sonic screwdriver at the invisible arm holding me while John keeps watch, Dad starts talking.
   "You know Brooke," he whispers, "this wasn't part of the plan to defeat the tree things."
   "Yeah, I know..." I mutter back
   He keeps going.
    "What was the one thing I asked you to do when dealing with these?" I look down.
    "Not get captured."
   "And what did you do?"
   "...I got captured..." John broke into the conversation.
   "Look, I know she's your daughter and all, but could we not do this now? We're a little busy."
Suddenly, the invisible force holding me to the tree relaxes and we jump down.
   "Okay River!" Dad yells grabbing my hand and pulling me far away from all the trees, (which all seemed to be converging on us.) with John and Rose close behind, we dive behind a rock and  I look back just in time to see Mum smile flirtatiously, aim the flamethrower, and set all the trees on fire. She then runs to joins us, still holding the flamethrower. As we walk away, I exclaim,
   "That was fantastic! But you just started a forest fire. Didn't you?"
   "Well," she replies, "this flamethrower is a special kind from planet Sentfy, the pest control planet, it's designed to burn for three days, then die out, doing minimal damage, except to its target species."
   " okay." I nod, "but why did you just have it with you?"
   Mum grinned a bit. "I always carry the parts to build it with me. Just in case."
We keep chatting until we reach the TARDIS. When we open the doors, we're immediately greeted with Very, very, loud music blaring through the TARDIS.  We all cover our ears. I see Brynna lying upside-down in the captains chair, entire milk jug in one hand, jar of Peanut Butter with a spoon sticking out in the other, she eats a large spoonful of Peanut Butter, downs it, and continues singing to the music.
   "BRYNNA!!" I yell over the music. She flinches a little bit. Then she looks up and smiles at me, flops over onto the ground, stands up, runs around the console, flipping switches and pressing buttons, and the music dies. John whistles softly and says:
   "Well, she's her mothers daughter alright." Brynna smiles and says,
"How did the tree mission go?"
   "Good, good." I reply. "I got kidnapped by a tree and Mum set the forest on fire." Dad steps forward a tad.
   "How did you get her to do that? I've only ever gotten her to play music once!" Rose adds in:
   "Oh yeah! I remember that! We danced together after we saved all those zombie gas mask people!"
   "Yes, that." Dad replies, " and I've been trying to get the TARDIS to do it again ever since, but I can't! How did you?" Brynna shrugs.
   "I dunno." She smiles. "But when I was exploring, I opened this door, and there was just a brick wall behind it! So
I fixed it, and there was the pool! But get this, it was inside an aquarium!" Mum walks over to Brynna and me. "But how did you do that? The Doctor and I have been trying to get passed that wall for months!" Brynna looks around uncertainly.
   "Well," she says, " I just went down below the console, saw some broken wires, and I connected them." Dad smacks his forehead with his hands.
    "How did we not think of that?" He says. Brynna smiles.
   "Maybe you were just over thinking it, it took a simpler mind to figure it out... Oh, and by the way, there might be several goldfish in the toilets. I accidentally released them when I was messing with the wiring."

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