good bye

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*this is going to be intense to say the least...*

Brynna has been on the tardis for a month now and is starting to go stir crazy. We've been doing everything you can in a tardis for a month which isn't that much, believe it or not. We're roaming through the halls and find ourselves in the mini golf room where we find my parents.
"River! You can't use an anti-grav ball! That's cheating!"
"I was never one to follow the rules, sweetie."
I awkwardly interrupt their argument. "Hey Mum. Hey dad."
"Hi girls!" Dad says, "I've been meaning to speak to you, Rose and John wants to take you out to lunch later. To, ya' know, get to know you better." He says directly to Brynna.
"What about Kovarian? She's looking for me."
"It's been a long time. She's probably given up."
"Can't I just stay here with Brooke?" It's at this point that Mum smirks and sneaks away to continue the mini golf game by herself.
"No. Get ready. You guys are leaving in about twenty minutes." Dad goes after Mum and Brynna gives me a look that says "ug I really don't want to go, it'll be so awkward" and I shrug in reply. Brynna grunts and storms out, her ponytail flouncing behind her. I follow half heartedly. We had plans to make brownies this afternoon. Oh well. We wander into her bedroom. She flops down on the bed and sighs.
"Uhhh, this is so weird! One month ago I didn't have parents, and was being tortured everyday, by some crazy lady, and now, I do have parents and I haven't been in fresh air for a month to avoid the same person that was torturing me! I'm going crazy!" I pause from grabbing an outfit for Brynna. This is the first time she's even mentioned her time with Kovarian since she's been here. She's talking much faster now, getting angry I suppose. "look at this!" She sits up and rolls up her pant leg, I realize I have never seen her in shorts. Her leg is covered in burn marks, scars and odd patches with no skin. I feel sick. She quickly turns around and raises her shirt, exposing her back partially. It's covered in still red slashes with tinges of black here and there. Brynna spins back around, facing me. "I've been, mauled, beaten, smacked, my fingernails have been ripped off, one by one and-" she's cut off by me giving her a hug. She flinches at first, but relaxes and hugs me back. We sit there for maybe ten minutes before I lean back and say,
"let's get you an outfit. Maybe you'll end up liking Rose and John anyway." As we're sorting through the clothes (Brynna exclaiming every once in a while: "I've never even seen so many clothes before!") something catches my eye, there's something shiny behind an (untouched) rack of dresses, I look behind, and I see a...doorknob? "Hey, Brynna, what's this?" I call over to the other side of her ginormous closet, she glances up for rifling through a rack of Harry Potter shirts, all of them Gryffindor (which is funny, all mine are Slytherin.) And says,
"Yeah, I don't know, it's locked." I try the door, and sure enough, it is. I hesitantly wander back over to the clothes and sort through them.
Five minutes later, we've picked an outfit. I've persuaded her to leave behind her usual attire of long pants with a long sleeved shirt by telling her that her parents should see what her limbs look like. She's wearing some light denim shorts that go just above her knees, with a black tank top paired with a white, zebra print sweater. She's wearing plain gray flip flops. I help her apply some makeup because she's never done it before. We wander into the console room to all the adults talking quietly, as we step in they all fall silent and look at us awkwardly. I almost instantly realize that they aren't looking at us, just Brynna. Or more specifically her exposed arms and legs. Once she finds where their gazes have gone she looks down at her own scars and blushes.
"What are you looking at?" I glare at everyone.
"Its just that she's going to be out in public wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt." Dad replies. Brynna starts tearing up and begins to back out of the room. I grab her wrist at arms length preventing her from retreating any more. A single tear slides down her cheek.
"Is that a problem?" I stare dead into the Doctor's eyes with a scowl and glare that would scare a dalek. He stares at me for just a minute, and says in a quiet voice,
"No, not at all." Before turning around during and beginning to flip dials and switches at the consol. The awkwardness in the room clears up as John and my Mum run over to help my Dad drive. Rose is doing somethingbagbthe console to. Makes sense, Dad probably gave her lessons before she left. Or maybe John told her how. As we ride through the time vortex, Dad calls over the noise:
"Before you came in, we made a very big desicion. "
"Oh yeah? What was it?" I call back, just as the tardis takes a sharp turn, almost knocking us all over. Dad responds as he pulls a long cord, turning us northeast-ish.
"We've decided, ugh, that Brynna will go home with Rose and John. Back to the parallel universe" Brynna and I simultaneously gasp,
"What?!" She cries out, "no!"
"I'm afraid so. they're leaving as soon as they get back." Dad says back. I open my mouth to respond, but just then, we stop and John interupts.
"Here we are! New York! June 10th, 2003, the very first day Wicked opened on Broadway, now go! He pushes Brynna and her parents out the door. Turning around to see me glaring at him.
"What?" He says.
"What do you mean Brynna's going to live in the parallel universe? She can't! One, she's my best friend, I won't let her! Two, the parallel universe is sealed off, we can't get back without punching a hole in the fabric of space and time." Dad pulled something out from under his captains chair. My eyes widened at the sight of it. "Is that our on-ship transporter? Dad! You can't just rip things from the engine!" Dad rolls his eyes and says
"Oh, don't worry Brooke! The tardis is growing a new in as we speak! All we've got to do is throw this one into the orbit of a black hole and it'll have enough power to teleport them back into their world! But it will only work once, so we've only got one shot." I groan.
Brynna walked sullenly along side her parents for a while before deciding that if she had to love with them, she might as well get to know them. But first, she had to get some answers.
"Why do we have to go back to the parallel universe? Why can't we just stay here?" Rose looked over to her and smiled.
"Your Dad (Brynna cringed at the word) and I have lives back home, and when he and I got married, he told me his name. It's not good to have four propel who know the name of the doctor in one dimension." She laughed, Brynna smiled.
We whirl around the black hole, I tie a rope around my waist and get ready to jump, I need to be outside the tardis to get close enough to throw the transportation thing in. Mum can't do it because...well... she pregnant! I'm finally going to be an older sister! Brynna's a bit older than me so I'm still the youngest. Dad snaps me out of my thoughts by handing me the transporter while Mum expands the oxygen and gravity field. Dad secures the rope and gives me a thumbs up. I grin, this is so exciting! And jump. I free fall for a minute before reaching the end of the rope and coming to an abrupt stop. I catch my breath and gaze at the black hole for a minute. It's amazing. You never really get used to a view like that. I suddenly remember what I'm supposed to be doing and chuck the transporter thing straight into the black hole. As my Dad hoists me back up we sit and stare into the crumbling star. Then my dad jumps up and runs over to the console. Typing Rose, John, and Brynna's names into the computer, so she know who to send, then smacking it and twisting things. I close the doors and go over to help.
As we appeared back to where we were in New York my Mum said,
"Now that that's over, there's something I've been meaning to do." And with that, she stomps over to my dad and slaps him in the face. He stumbles back.
"What was that for?!" He whines. Mum looked over at him with fire in her eyes.
"Brooke was finally starting to get Brynna to move away from her past, Brynna finally felt beautiful for once, and you just ruined it with that comment about her scars! Why in sweet Straxs' name would you ruin her happy moment!?" My dad fumbles for words for a moment.
"I don't know! It just came out! I was caught of guard! I swear I will make it up to her somehow!" Mum glowers at him
"You better." She says before stalking out of the room.
Brynna laughed. John was funny! The night had been perfect. Wicked was amazing, dinner was great, John and Rose were obviously deeply in love, and she actually really liked her parents! Now if only she didn't have to live with them... she was thrown out of her thoughts by John-er...her Dad...stopping suddenly and placing and arm in front of her. Brynna looked up, confused.
"Wha-" her Dad shushed her. They to a couple of steps back, when an explosion knocked them off their feet. Brynna flew backwards into the street. She stood up groggy and saw something that made her freeze with fear. It was Madame Kovarian, and she was wearing some metal gloves with purple spikes. As she watched, a spike grew from her glove, forming into a long, double ended spear. Suddenly Madame Kovarian deftly pthrew the spear at her. Missing by a fraction of an inch. Brynna was to frightened to move, or even cry out. Madame Kovarian slowly formed another double ended spear. Sighing,
"I see my plan has failed, well, since you managed to escape me, and my plan has failed, all that's left to do is kill you." And with that, she threw the spear. As though in slow motion, John cried out and sprinted over to Brynna's aid, his face covered with scratches from where the pieces of shrapnel from the explosion hit him, he got to Brynna just as the spear was about to hit her, and he pushed her out of the way. Brynna tumbled across the street, getting up to see Rose running over to John and crying. The color drained out of Brynna's face as she saw what had happened. Her Dad was lying on his side, speaking to Madame Kovarian and shaking. The spear had gone through his chest and out the other side, Brynna started crying and ran over to him. She saw as he raised the sonic screwdriver that he had made, pointed it at Madame Kovarian, and exploded the gloves, with her still in them. Madame Kovarian gave a horrible screech from with the fiery inferno, and when it had settled away, all that was left was ash.
Blinded by tears, Brynna found her way over to Rose, who had John's head on her lap, Brynna tripped over some remaining shrapnel, and landed near her Dad. She dragged herself over and clutched onto his jacket, hugging him while inhuman sobs clawed their way out of her throat. She buried her face into his arm, crying. John looked up at Rose. His Rose. He tried to smile at her.
"Rose Tyler Smith." He said. "I love you, and will always love you. To the end of time, and the end of space. Don't ever change. I Wil never stop loving you." Turned his head to Brynna. She looked up at him. "Brynna, be good for your mother. I wish I had gotten to raise you. I love you both." He gave them a small, shaky smile, and then passed away. Rose wailed,
"No, no!" And buried her face in his hair. Sobs racking her body.
It wasn't long before somehow, the police had dragged her away, Brynna following behind numbly. They managed to leave the police, and Brynna lead Rose, who was still in shock, back to the tardis.
As soon as they step inside, I can tell something is seriously wrong.
"What happened?" My Mum and Dad run in. As soon as they walk in, Rose bursts into tears again. And goes to embrace. My Dad. I run over to Brynna and give her a hug. She doesn't respond. She just stands there, straight as a board, tears streaming down her face. Rose tries to explain through her tears, still hugging my Dad.
"We (sob) (sob) tardis (sob) Madame Kovarian came (Brynna flinched at her name) (sob ) spears (sob) saved Brynna (sob) (sob) but she killed him Doctor! She killed him! After that she couldn't say anymore and just cried into my Dad's shoulder. Mum comes up and wraps her arms around Rose. I look over to Brynna and gasp. The transportation process has already begun! She looks like a hologram! Brynna gives a cry.
"Doctor! Where am I, why do River and Brooke look like ghosts?" Dad runs over to Brynna and places her arms on her shoulders. He looks her straight in the eyes.
"Brynna, you're being transported to the parallel universe." Brynna's eyes widen.
"No!" She says.
"Brynna, I would call both you and Rose back now if I could but it's to late now. You have to be brave. Remember that you are always welcome here." Brynna nods but tears are streaming down her face. My Mum says,
"Brynna, remember that Madame Kovarian is behind you now. You can move on! I run up to Brynna while my parents are talking to Rose.
"I'll miss you." She says. I start to cry as well, knowing that I'll never see her again.
"Never forget me okay?" Brynna nods. "You were the very best friend anyone could ever ask for. I'll miss you so much, and never, ever forget you." Brynna opens her mouth.
"I don't want to go-" and just like that, she's gone. I sink down to my knees and cry. My parents hugging me from either side.
Brynna and Rose are down on their knees, just crying and hugging each other. They stay like that for a long time, before finally, they stumble across the sand and make their way home.

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