Chapter 1

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Camila was sitting on the couch switching through the channels. "Ugh!" She groaned. "Why do all of these shows suck?" She threw the remote across the room before letting herself fall back on the couch. She was about to close her eyes when the door rang. She went to open the door. It was no one less than her best friend, Dinah Jane. Dinah was a beautiful girl. She was tall and Polynesian. She had long blond hair that she dyed. She was thick and that made her so hot. It was a shame Dinah wasn't gay. Camila was. She wasn't ashamed of that. But she also wasn't really proud of it. She still was a little confused and scared of her feelings. "Hey!" Dinah greeted her and walked past her to the living room. "Your mother working?" Dinah questioned. "Yeah." Camila replied simply. Camila was living with her mother but almost ever weekend she went to visit her father. "Wow! What happened to the tv remote?" Dinah gasped. Camila's eyes went wide as she remembered what she did a few minutes ago. "I threw it against the wall.." She said carefully. "Hahaha!" Dinah laughed. "You're awesome!" Dinah always was amazed by breaking stuff or making a mess out of her life but she meant everything to Camila. "So.." Dinah started as she was sitting next to her on the couch. Camila looked at her expectantly. "Any sign of Lauren?" Camila rolled her eyes. "Just stop okay? She is my stepsister and this is ridiculous." Dinah scoffed. "Stepsister my ass. You guys had a lot of 'moments' we can't ignore them." She said and Camila laughed. It was kinda true though. The last couple of weeks her and Lauren had these little weird 'moments'. For example Lauren would look at her adoringly from time to time or suddenly seem interested. Giving her attention, hugging her and complimenting her constantly. To Camila it was Lauren just being nice but ofcourse Dinah had to make it more. "She is just being nice." She argued. "Nice? Where has she been for 10 years to be 'nice' to you? And now all of the sudden she starts to behave 'nice' to you?" Lauren was 10 years older then Camila. She is 27. Camila was little when her dad got with Laurens mom. She was 7 years old at the time and Lauren was 17. Because of their age difference and because Lauren was a teenage girl they didn't spend much time together. Lauren quickly moving out and settling for her own. She occasionally came to visit but it wasn't often. Lauren sometimes didn't come for months. She often fought with her mother and that's why they didn't really have contact. Now that Clara was a little sick Lauren repared the bond with her mother and came visiting her regularly. Which meant that she and Camila saw eachother frequently. Now that 10 years had passed things had changed. Camila was now 17 years old. She was a beautiful young teenage girl. She had beautiful brown eyes, brown long wavy hair, a curvy body and an ass to die for. Camila didn't really see herself as beautiful but most people did. "Oh come on atleast admit that she is hot! I mean I'm straight but damn Lauren is gorgeous!" Dinah admitted making Camila chuckle. "Well maybe you should get with her." She joked. "Nah not going to happen she has eyes for you." Dinah replied dryly. Lauren was beautiful to say the least. Camila couldn't deny that. The woman had dark raven hair. Green eyes that could change color depending on her mood. Haha. She had a killer body. She was sexy. But Camila also knew that Lauren was straight. Camila's phone went off. "It's your dad." Dinah said while handing her the phone. "Hey dad!" Camila said excitedly. Her father meant the world to her and he always made sure she felt loved. "Hey princess! How are you?" He asked. "I'm fine and you?"
"Me too! So tomorrow we're going to Disney Land. I will pick you up in the morning okay mija?" Her father asked her. Camila's mouth fell open. They were going to Disneyland. This was her dream since she was little. This was going to be the best vacation ever. "Yeah sure dad!" She said after a moment. "Good and bring Dinah she is kinda part of our family after all!" He said and Camila looked at Dinah who smiled so big she was afraid her cheeks would rip. "Yass!" Dinah squealed. "Okay then! Bye sweety see you guys tomorrow!" And with that he hang up. "Aahh!" Camila and Dinah yelled excited as they jumped up and down. "We are going to Disneyland!!"

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