Chapter 2

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Alfonso wakes up to the smell of sweet buttery syrup in the air and light fluffy pancakes. He walks down the stairs to see Maria making breakfast in the kitchen in one of his T-shirts with no pants just a pair of black lace panties. She sees her husband staring at her she knows he's under her spell. She walks past him shoves his container of KFC in his hand then says. "Have a lovely day at work" she says with a sinister smile on her face.  He sighs takes the container realizing how big of a mistake he made. Alfonso walks onto his front porch the warm sunlight hitting his face. The morning sun lights the sky with all it's wondrous colors. His car parked in the driveway he looks at it and sighs. "Today is gonna be a long day" he says to himself. He gets in the car and realized he didn't grab his cup of coffee, he looks down and sees his thermos. with a little sticky note on it. the note reads "Coffee in here babe have a wonderful day at work" signed by his wife. He chuckles to himself then rams the key into the ignition and pulls out. The radio plays on his commute to work, one of his favorite songs come through. It's the song he played for his wife the day he proposed to his Maria. He can picture it, the moon shining down on the roof of there apartment building rose pedals sprinkled across the floor leading to the table. A small table it was all he could afford after he bought the wine that was more than his rent. The perfectly made dinner of chicken Parmesan and Fettuccine   Alfredo the best meal he's ever cooked for her. Even now he can see her hazel eyes sparkle when she saw the dinner and for the first time in his relationship he was nervous hands shaking, palms sweaty, looked at his shoes the entire time. He'll never forget what she said when they were about to start dinner she picked up his chin stared at him with this beautiful brown eyes and said, "this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me you're the sweetest person i've ever met don't be ashamed at what you've done i love it and i love you". The image is so clear in his head he can almost feel the kiss on his lips the sweet smell of roses in the air. The image is one of his most cherished memories and she has never left him to this day and to his knowledge has never cheated. He looks down at his ring smiles he's lost in thought he doesn't see the pick up truck sneaking up behind him. The man in the truck is drunk and is taking the company truck for a joy ride. He blacks out his foot slams the gas getting the truck to top speed. It slams into Alfonso's car making spin out of control smoking spews out of the tires as he tries to get the car the car under control. he slams into a flower shop looks like the smell of roses isn't just in his memory there in his face. blood dripping from his head like a leaky faucet, he hears sirens in the background he smiles his teeth red if this it he's gonna die with a smile on his face.

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