Getting To Know You <3

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Me: so whats your names? i asked curiously 

Sarah: Well, I'm Sarah and this is Lucy, she pointed at the beautiful blonde girl standing next to her, her eyes were the deepest shade of blue i looked straight at them trying not to make it obvious she stunned me with her beauty until Dan nudged me taking me out of my day dream

Dan: well its nice to met you both, he was full on checking Sarah out! his face was glistening with amazement, i snapped him out of it

Lucy: its nice to finally met you in person, she smiled at me!!! i mean a really pretty girl actually smiled at me i felt complete i never felt this way about a girl before especially after just meeting them!

Me: How about we all get a shake away? you know get to know each other better..

Sarah: Yes that sounds good me and Lucy will follow your car into town


everyone hoped into cars i drove carefully following Phil's car, we finally got there.

Sarah: Hey guys, Lucy and Phil sit down me and Dan will get drinks! she was acting like she knew Dan from birth they got on straight away! she was getting a Oreo shake same as me , Dan was getting butter scotch and  Phil was getting diam and Oreo

 me and Phil sat there waiting for Dan and Sarah to get back 

Phil: so  you didn't hear this from me but i think Dan likes Sarah allot!

Me: same! haha they couldn't stop looking at each other!

Sarah and Dan came over again, they gave us our shakes, they started having a nerd conversation about Pokemon while me and Phil sat there chatting about our youtube channel's, we all finally came into one big talk about how and when we moved to London! 

Dan: Hey Sarah here's my number urm maybe i could have yours?? he winked 

Sarah: hahaha Here you go, writing it down 

me and Phil sat there laughing we got on so well we were the mature couple i thought haha anyways we exchanged numbers too.

Dan: Guys seeming as its late why don't you guys stay at ours? 

Phil: yeah why don't you guys? its not safe two little girls driving around at this time

Sarah: Lucy we may as well haha

Me:Okay then :D i was so excited 

Dan: Sarah only wants to stay because I'm here right?

Sarah: oh keep dreaming! 

Phil: okay married old couple lets go! 

 finished our shakes and walked out we followed Phil's car back to their house we parks outside and took our bits and pieces inside we placed them in the living room,

Sarah and Dan sat on the sofa together on Dans laptop watching adventure time 

me and Phil were playing Mario cart EXTREME! haha 

Phil: I WILL WIN !!


Phil came over and started tickling me 

i screamed! 'AHHH please stop hahaha i hate you hahaha' 

Phil: you hate me :( pulling the biggest puppy face ever 

Me: haha Phil your so cute! 

i went to the kitchen to get a drink then i felt the warmth of someone walking behind me and covering my eyes 

Phil's girl voice was talking 'Guess who Lovely?!'

Me: Who is it ?


Me: i never of guessed, i say sarcastically 

i felt him wrap his arms around my waist whispering in my ear ' need anything and I'm in my room, your staying in my room if that's okay?' 

i was blushing badly 

Me: Okay, i'll see you there

Phil walked away 

i walked into the living room to grab my pj's and then i noticed Sarah asleep on Dan's lap it has to be the cutest thing ever! Dan was playing with her hair as she was asleep

Dan: I'm gunna stay here with her tonight, he said with a smile on his cute face

Me: hehe okay night Dan :D 

i walked into Phil's room with my PJ's on and then lay down next to Phil, he turned to face me and kissed my forehead and started cuddling me i felt safe and se-cure in his arms like there where no other place closer to heaven..

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