I Breath For You..<3

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Phil's P.O.V

I was woken by the sound of my phone's alarm.

Me: "Why do I even have an alam on here" i said quietly. Turning of my phone i turned to face Lucy who was graciously sleeping, i started playing with her hair as i remembered last night, Lucy was someone i really love and trust, i couldn't find someone more perfect. No one has ever loved me like this before and she's helped me, shown me and taught me that i live for a reason and she's made my life complete I now have something to look forward to everyday i wake up.

My day dream stopped as I felt Lucy shuffle a little in the bed and reach out to grab onto my waist

"I love you my little lion" i whispered as i cuddled her.

I heard a muffled "I love you my big lion" from underneath the covers, i giggled at how cute she sounded.

Then a head popped up from underneath the covers like a meerkat she laughed, covering her mouth as she did so and gently pecked my cheek.

"Let's get up and see Sarah and Dan"

Walking into the kitchen we saw Dan and Sarah cuddling on the sofa looking as cute as ever! Ever since Sarah had come along Dan has been a different person he would smile all day knowing he also had something to live for and i couldn't thank Sarah enough for coming into his life, i smiled to myself as i thought this!

6:00 pm Dan's P.O.V

"Me and Sarah are going out to eat tonight!" I shouted to Phil and Lucy, wherever they were!

They emerged from their bedroom smiling!

Phil: "So you're fed up with our cooking already oh i see how it is!" He said playfully!

Lucy: "Well i can understand that, i'm still finding flour around the house from the other day!"

We all laughed and Sarah and I headed for the door.

Lucy: "Have a great meal you two!" Phil agreed!

We thanked them and walked out to get in the taxi!

Stepping out of the taxi we made out way inside, holding hands, we seated at a table which had a candle in the middle. I looked up to see Sarah's beautiful face lit up by candle light a smile was spread across her face "Thanks for this" she said and put her hand on my hand. Right now all I could think of was how much she has helped me though the past! Without her i would be nothing, apart from Phil who has helped me though alot! Without both of them i think i would be dead. And tonight looking at Sarah siting opposite me reminded mr of how lucky i was to have someone as gorgeous as her, her personality kept me smiling and tonight was going to be perfect ❤

Later on that evening Sarah's P.O.V

This night will be a night to remember seeing Dan's beautiful face across the table from me and a candle light flickering infront of me. This night is perfect. We started to talk about when we first met when i was with Lucy at playlist live and how we got shakeaways and spent te night at his and Phil's. We talked about Phil and Lucy's relationship, Dan saying how much Lucy has helped Phil alot and Phil has helped Lucy in ways as well! The conversation ended in our own relationship from where we started to where we are now. And suddenly i felt my hand be lifted up by Dan's he lent forward and kissed my hand and said "I love you Sarah, i don't know what i'd be without you, you make my life complete, i love you" My heart skipped a beat as i listened to his words i held his hand ad said "I love you too Dan, thankyou for coming into my life, i am lucky to have you" our conversation was sealed with a kiss and we set off back home

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