Steven Universe dream

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Ok! So my little brother had a dream about Steven Universe that was pretty messed up. So now I'm going to share with you. Props to my bro's subconscious. These are in my brother's words. WARNING: THERE WILL BE A LOT OF MOMENTS WHERE MY BROTHER SAYS "AND THEN". :P

In my dream I was Steven Universe and I was in front of the temple. And then I got bored and went inside and then I saw Garnet smiling at me. And then Amethyst and Pearl smiled too. And then Garnet said "hi Steven." And then when she stopped talking, the gems became skulls. And then their bones fell apart. And then their bones mixed up and got put back together. And then they started to get on their feet and hands, and started crawling really fast with their head backwards. Then I ran out the temple and then I saw Greg. And I said "Dad! Dad! You gotta help me! The crystal gems are after me!" Then his head turned around and his face was a skull. I screamed and ran to Connie. Then I said "Connie! You gotta help me! The Crystal Gems and my dad are after me!" And Connie said " OK I'll help yooooo- AAAAHHHGHHHaaaahhhhHHH!" She turns into a zombie. Then I ran into the Big Donut, and saw Lars killing Sadie. Then I ran back out and then I saw Lion. And then he wasn't pink, he was black and he had red eyes. He was evil but he was still nice. And then made me get on his back and then he saw a volcano and he ran to the volcano and then he jumped into the volcano. Then I woke up.

Wellllllllp I didn't know his subconscious was that dark for a kid... *smiles evilly and rubs hands together* I'm getting to him... hehehehahaHAHAHAHAhahahHahaHAhAH! O.O XD

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