South Park

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It was kinda hard to find this so I hope you guys like it. Enjoy! :D

I'm gonna start this off by saying I didn't really think this through too well, so there might be big holes that didn't occur to me, but I'm gonna go ahead and post this anyways:

Kenny's immortality as the spawn of Cthulhu or something has something to do with the fact that, after 17 years have passed, it only feels like 2 years have passed. Nobody questions the fact that only 2 years have passed after three Presidential Administrations and about seven or eight Christmases because whatever side-effect that causes everyone to forget Kenny's repeated deaths also affects their memories of what happened outside the town of South Park. Even Kenny's own memories. Everyone assumes that what happened years ago happened recently, and big events that they were a part of were just news stories from a few years ago that they read about.

Early on in South Park, the boys acted a lot like 8-year-olds, and now, most of them act very, very mature for their age at times. While they physically aged only 2 years, they still have an additional 17 years of experience and knowledge behind that.

tl;dr, Kenny is not only immortal, but warps time around him.

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