The Adventures of Billy and Mandy theory

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This might not be a very popular theory here because it concerns the show being about a dead cast of characters, and it probably seems incredibly similar to the Ed, Edd, & Eddy theory, but since the personification of death is a main character, and they frequent the 'underworld', I think it could work.

Everyone is dead. The whole town, dead.

Billy's family is a new addition to Endsville so they are the most disturbed by everything going on.

Grim is there more as a reminder of their sins and that they are awaiting their ultimate judgement than that he simply lost a bet with a 10 year old girl.

When he does need to collect a soul, its not to escort them to the afterlife, it's to escort them to Satan or God.

Life continues as 'usual' (for this show) in Endsville because it's the only way they know how to adapt to their situation (being in purgatory)

In the episode 'Keeper of the Reaper' Billy's family was about to move out of Endsville. The argument over custody of Grim could be taken as an argument of which side the Reaper really serves, Heaven (represented here by Billy because of his innocence, naivety) or Hell (Represented by Mandy for her cruelty, harshness). The end judgement of Billy being forced to stay in Endsville/purgatory so neither side is without the Reaper would then mean that the Reaper has no one master, he serves both Heaven and Hell, but is seen as a feared spirit because of Hell's dominance over controlling him (Mandy is always the one to order Grim to do anything, Billy is usually just along for the ride.)

That's all I've got for now, if I think of anything else I'll add it in.

ANOTHER VERSION______________________________________________________________

The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy has always been a sort of morbid show, but this may be shocking.Although we believe the people in the show to be existing it is wrong, they are all dead or imaginary.The truth is, this is all inside one animal's head.That animal is Milkshakes, Billy's beloved cat!!!

     What really happened was one morning Mandy was going door to door asking for money for an orphanage.But when she gets to Billy's house Billy's mom is having a psychotic rage attack from her schizophrenia and has tied up everyone in the house and has lit it on fire.Billy's mom answers the door, pulls Mandy in,  and stabs her and kills herself.Everyone is dead except Milkshakes, who escapes from the wreckage.Months later Milkshakes returns to the house expecting to find everyone but when he doesn't he goes into a depression and creates his own world where everyone he knows is still alive.



Billy is portrayed as stupid reason being he was the trigger of the whole thing.He was bugging his mother knowing she was in a very fragile state and he made her snap making Milkshakes think he was stupid.Milkshakes blames the whole thing on him which is why we see Billy screaming at Milkshakes because he feels he was betrayed by Billy and can't get that out of his mind.



We see Mandy as this unhappy child without a nose, but there is more to it.Although Milkshakes didn't know Mandy personally he could tell she had a rough life.Milkshakes tries to make his thoughts of Mandy happy by giving her a friend,loving parents,and a boy who loves her(Irwin).

Though Milkshakes tries he can't make his imaginary Mandy happy because he feels bad for what happened to her.Mandy's nose is missing because Milkshakes feels that he has done something wrong and missed out by surviving when he feels he feels he should have died.



Grim is not just what Milkshakes sees as Billy and Mandy's slave/friend, but is actually the physical form of Milkshakes' denial that they are dead and he can't escape that fact.He knows they are dead but just doesn't want to except it, so instead he pretends they are just friends with the courier of death.Grim is portrayed as the smart one with the most common sense, because Milkshakes wants to feel #### ### families death was the best thing for them.

Billy's Mom


A lot of the characters we see in the show were created by Billy's mom that Milkshakes can remember from when she would have episodes of hallucinations.The demons in particular are the main ones.



Pud'n is Milkshakes punching bag where he takes out all of his aggression towards what has happened.He is just there for when things get rough so Milkshake can just get out his anger.

Hoss Delgado


He is Milkshakes revenge.Milkshakes imagines him when he wants to feel like the thing that killed his family(the imaginary demons) have been punished for what has happened.

Life has been rough for Milkshakes though he may find a loving home one day,but for now he gets to live in his mind with is beloved dead family....and Mandy.


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