The Little Merimaid

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In the original version of The Little Mermaid, when Ariel gets her legs, it felt like she was stepping on broken glass every step she took, because her fins were practically ripped apart in the leg process. Then because she didn't get the prince to like her in time, the sea witch told her the only way to keep her legs was to kill the prince, and if she didn't she will have to get in the water and turn into sea foam and die. So she took the sea foam route and died, and the prince married someone else.

When I was getting my hair done I told this to my hairstylest's friends and she said her daughter's middle name was Ariel, she had a picture of Ariel in her wallet, and that it was her favorite Disney movie... then she started crying, saying that I ruined her childhood. I felt really bad about when she stared crying.

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