Part one: Meeting them

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Zoey Gollum turned on her TV then went to the news all normal the weather, news for around Ireland. But then she was about to change the channel until she heard the name of the famous band One Direction. She listened to the news person Lydia Mellor's words which were:"Famous band One Direction is moving to a new college Elminton Rigit in Northern Ireland they'll be coming this upcoming week, that's all folks see you tomorrow on the news back to you Baron". Since it was a Sunday night they would be starting in about twelve hours. Zoey was going to meet One Direction she was so exited she almost screamed her head off. She walked across the hall to her bedroom and went to sleep. Zoey woke up at the same time as her college roomate Chloe. They were both so exited. At Zoey's college boys and girls always get on the same floor. Just then Luke the doorman called to their floor. He said "five boys are coming up to be your floor mates". Since Chloe and Zoe do'nt have any body else on their floor they were 99.9% sure it was One Direction. Just then the elevator opened and Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik and Niall Horan stepped out of the elevator. All carrying large brown duffle bags and each had a pillow too. "Oh I fogot something at my flat lads and ladies I'll go get it" ,Liam said rushing towards the elevator. "Okay Liam go",Zayn said.

"Bye Liam",everyone else said. Zoey grabbed Liams bag and let people choose who they'd like to share a bunk with. Liam with Zoey, Harry with Louis, Niall with Chloe and Zayn by himself. It had been four hours and Liam was'nt even back yet. Harry called his cell phone but Liam did'nt answer. Zayn turned on the news. Lydia said "house in Dublin 71 Finti court just burnt down but they have'nt found the body yet'. "Wait ,said Niall, Liam's flat is 71 Finti court ,LIAM!!!!". They set off towards Liams flat. Once they were there there was only one other car there Liams mom's. She sat there staring at the house,crying at the same time. Apparently no one cares about Liam. "It's okay Mrs.Payne",Harry said. Just then Danielle Peazer's car parked in the driveway. She walked up in shock "LIAM!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled starting to cry. "It's okay Danielle "Niall Louis and Zoey said trying to soothe her down. A single tear tricckled down all their faces but Zayn's."It's all because of you Zayn you said okay Liam go you did'nt say we'll go with you" Harry said. Fine now it is my fault , One Direction's done because I quit and without me you'll suck ", Zayn said. "Youre wrong", Harry said. But four days later Zayn was proven right they didn't sound good at all without him. "But since Zayn isn't in the band can we call him a different name" said Louis. "No, just because he's quit doesn't mean we call him a different name"said Harry. Just then Niall's cellphone rang. "Hello Niall here"Niall said ,"Hi guys,said a familiar voice just like Liam's. "It's Liam" said the same voice. "You're Alive", said Niall enthusiasticly. "Ya I never died." "Oh but your flat burnt down." "Oh but good thing I grabbed all my belongings". Niall hung up, LIAM ISN'T DEAD HE WASN'T IN THE HOUSE WHEN IT BURNT DOWN Niall yelled. "WooHoo!" , yelled Harry. Louis got a call too. "I gotta get this" ,said Louis. He came back about a minute later. "We all just graduated college" Louis said. TO BE CONTINUED..........

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