Not Long Enough

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Bre's POV

I can't wait to get out of here! My mom is driving me crazy can't she take a hint I don't need her constant badgering right now. Whatever soon it will all be over and I will be on a tropical island thousands of miles away soaking up the sun's rays, which I kind of need. I pull my long wavy hair into a messy bun. I grab my phone and use it as a mirror to see how my bun looks. It'll do.
"Okay Bre you have your phone and you have your ticket, don't forget to call me when you get there and make sure your dad actually does stuff with you and if you want to come home ju..."
"Mom!" I exclaim cutting her off.
"I'll be fine we went through this already and I am 16 I think I can handle this"
"Okay, well I love you honey and I will see you
in a couple of weeks"
"Alright mom, I love you too"
"Bye sweetheart"

I went through security and boarded the plane. The flight was okay, though I slept for most of it. However I did wake up once when a kid with blonde hair came up and sat in the seat next to me. He started talking about the wingspan of a pterodactyl, I assumed he had the right seat since I hadn't really noticed who had been sitting next to me before now. Then I heard a voice from behind me say "Dude I am back here" the kid looked up at me, realized his mistake, got up sat back down a couple rows behind me then continued talking about the wingspan of a pterodactyl to the person who had called him. The voice of the guy behind me sounded familiar and the kid who had sat next to me looked familiar but I was too tired to really pay close attention. Still drowsy I soon slipped back into a restful state.

A couple hours later I landed in Costa Rica then headed for the boat that would take me to Jurassic World. Thinking about seeing my dad gave me an anxious feeling. It had been so long since we saw each other last. I wonder how my visit will go.

I rolled my bags into the main area of the boat heading for the front desk. I grabbed my hat and sunglasses then dropped my bags off with the lady at the desk.
"When we dock your bags will be taken immediately to your room" the lady at the front desk said with a nasally voice.
"Thanks" I replied with a smile. I must say I like the perks of having a dad that works at a theme park.
I headed out past the front desk and made my way up to the top deck. A lot people were already out there but I managed to find a spot right at the front. I put my hat and sunglasses on then fixed my tank top which I had just realized was crooked probably from when I was asleep on the plane. "So that's why the lady at the front desk gave me a funny look" I thought. I looked out over the water it was beautiful and so was the island we were headed towards. It was larger than imagined it would be but I wasn't expecting much in the first place.
"Look there's a spot" I hear the boy from the plane call out seconds later I feel a hand push me to the side and see the boy come up beside me.
"Gray you can't just push through people" I hear that familiar voice again and this time it registers. I whip around to see a 16 year old guy in front of me. Our eyes meet and he smile
"Bre?" he asks.
"Zach" I reply with a sharp tone.
"Wow you look great how long has it been?"
"Not long enough!" I spit back anger swelling up inside of me. With that I turn and push past him. "What the heck is he doing here? Of all the places he could be he had to be here." I think to myself. Behind me I hear him call out.
"Bre, Bre wait, stop! Can we please talk about this"
The anger inside me is soon replaced with sadness as I remember the last time I heard those words came out of his mouth. Tears well up in my eyes and my fast paced walking soon turns into a full on run.

I don't know where to go I just know I don't want to be anywhere near Zach. I turn and run down an empty hall way. On the PA I hear a lady say that we will reach port in a few minutes. Hopefully with people rushing for the exits Zach won't be able to see where I am going. I look back to see if he is behind me. I don't see him at the moment but I am not about to stop running. Bang! I fall to the ground and and rub my head. I sit on the floor scrambling to collect some of pride as I realize I ran into a door and this hall way is a dead end. Then I hear footsteps coming towards me. In an instant I feel hands around my waist lifting me up back onto my feet. I turn around and brush myself off. I look up to find Zach giving me a confused look.
"Are you alright? What happened? I was worried about you, all of a sudden you just took off"
"I... I'm fine" I looked away as I felt tears stream down my face.
He grazed my cheek with his hand turning my head to face his. He looked around at my face and then fixed his gazed on my eyes, I felt his hand slow shift and his thumb wipe away my tears. I wish that my mind could just let me enjoy this moment but no matter how hard I try I can't let it go so I move my head away from his hand and walk past him. Part of me wants to turn around and run into his arm and forgive him for the hell he has put me through but I can't it's just too hard. Oh well it's not like I will be spending a lot of time with him, right?


Hi Guys,
Thanks for reading my fanfic. Pls comment and follow me if you want.
I plan on updating the fanfic within a week. And if u have any suggestion pls tell me.

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