Interesting Turn of Events

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Zach's POV

Man, she is so freaking beautiful. I watch in awe as she walks away. I can't believe I ever let her go.
"Can all remaining passengers please exit the vessel at this time" I hear the woman on the PA say in such a nasally voice she sounds like Squidward. I walk back out towards the crowd of people trying to exit the boat. I find Gray right where I left him, mom would kill me if she found out I just left him in a crowd of strangers, I can hear her now.
"Seriously, Zach sometimes I think your head must be hollow cause you just don't think!"

"Gray come on we got to go."

"Okay, hey look there's a train coming now if we hurry we can...."

I didn't hear him finish cause he took off I jogged after him. Then exited the boat and started walking on the dock. Up ahead I saw Bre boarding the train, I wanted to catch up to her but before I got the chance Gray pulled on my jacket sleeve. He pointed to a girl with dark brown hair looking at her phone. She was holding up a tablet that read Zach and Gray Mitchell. Gray ran up to her and said

"Hi I am Gray Mitchell why is my name on your tablet"

"Hello Gray" she sighed sounding annoyed at my brother. "My name is Zara, I am your Aunt's assistant and as such she has asked me to pick you up and your brother, and where is he?" she huffed.

"I'm right here" I stated.

"Wow!" she blurted out, flashing me a stupid girly grin "Um... I... I mean... I meant... you know if we don't hurry, we won't catch that train"

"Come on let's go see Aunt Claire!" Gray yelled.

We made our way up to the train and boarded it was pretty cramped so it was hard to find seats. It didn't help that I was really only half looking for seats. My main focus was on trying to find Bre. As we entered the next car I thought I had found her, but I didn't get a chance to go up to her and check because the train suddenly jolted to life and took off. I grabbed onto a seat to steady myself. Zara however didn't, and because of this fell back on to me making me lose my grip on the chair. I tried to grab something else but I couldn't really see what I was grabbing. Seconds later I heard a scream and as I hit the floor I heard what sounded like an old lady yelling at me.
"You have a bear!" she screamed "You have a bear!" I gave her a look of confusion to which she replied by taking out a box from her purse and open it up. Then she put her dentures in and continued her yelling but now I could clearly tell that she was yelling about something completely different.
"My hair, you have my hair!". I looked up at her head which contained patches of thin hair and bald spots. Then I looked at my hand, which I was horrified to find was clutching a wig. I quickly gave it back to the lady, apologized and stood up. Zara stood up as well and hugged me, no squeezed me, yes squeezed the life out of me like an anaconda trying to suffocate it's prey, thanking me for catching her in my arms. I decided it would be best not to correct her and tell her that I didn't catch her but in fact she fell on top of me. Instead I stayed silent and completely still, hoping, wishing, praying it would all be over soon. Then I looked up back to where I thought Bre was sitting. To my dismay I saw two beautiful hazel eyes staring at me. At first I could tell she was laughing then her eyes fell to the girl currently screwed to my chest and her face changed quickly, from a state of joyous laughter to that of anger and hurt. What stung the most was that as I absorbed those last few moments before she turned forward again what I most saw in her eyes was a feeling of disappointment.

Bre's POV

I turn back around in my seat. I want to cry but I can't, not with all these people around, I don't want to make a scene that's kind of Zach's thing. I looked back to see if he was still clutching that girl in his arms. He wasn't but was instead sitting down in the middle of Gray and the girl. I saw him talking to Gray and then Gray started to cry Zach gave him a side hug and smiled at him and Gray stopped crying and smiled too. Then girl said something to him and he started crying again and Zach gave to girl a disgusted look. The girl proceed to turn away from the boys and into the aisle. I turned to face forward I my seat once again and grinned. I don't know why I was happy about Zach being mad at the girl, I meant it's not like I have any feelings for him, it just made me happy. The train began to slow down and people started getting out of there seats and grabbing there bags. As it pulled into the station and people exited. I grabbed my glasses from of my head and put them back over my eyes. I exited the train and took in my surroundings. I have a feeling this trip may not be too lame, as long as I stay away from Zach.

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