Rehashing the Past

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Bre's POV

"We need to talk" I sighed.

"Whatever Bre, one moment you like me, the next moment you treat me like crap! What's your problem Bre?". He walked briskly towards me staring at me angrily until he was close enough I could feel his breathe fan me face.

"My problem!? My problem!? What about you Zach? Why the hell can't you just leave me alone and stop playing all these childish games? I saw you on the train with that girl. Don't worry though I always knew that with you old habits die hard!" I scream at him in anger. He stares at me angrily not saying a word.

"Oh, if that's your way on saying you forgot then let me refresh your memory. The Party last summer at the lake house, I was talking with my friends when I saw you going down to the basement with Veronica Chance. I went to go downstairs but the door was locked you were down there so long that I left. When I tried calling you after that, you ignored my calls. I saw you a week later at the movies with her again. By the way how was the movie, oh wait you probably can't even tell me the title because you were to busy sucking faces with her."

"Shut up, she told me she wanted to get some more cups for the party and that they were downstairs. I offered to go for her but she followed me into the basement I didn't know she locked the door and yeah she kissed me but I didn't kiss her back..."

"Whatever! What about the movies?"

"I went to the movies with my cousin Chad and his girlfriend. Veronica invited herself and halfway through the movie Veronica and Chad started making out! It wasn't me I promise!

"I don't trust your promises anymore how can I?!"

"Because I would never lie to you. God, you make me so mad sometimes. Every time I look at you I remember how wonderful and beautiful you are and how much of mistake I made for not fighting to hold onto you. I miss you Bre and I love you but you act so stupid sometimes I..." he stops and looks at me. What he says makes me angry. He sounds like he's scolding me for protecting myself from being hurt again. I feel tears welling up in my eyes and I can't bare to stay in this room anymore I storm towards the door.

Zach's POV

I walk towards her and grab her arm. At first she squirmed trying to get away.

"Let me go!" she whimpers.

"Not until we sort this out"

"Why?! Zach just let me go!"



"Because I care about you I hate seeing you upset, when I see your face I just want to kiss you and be with you, because I love y..."

I trail off and look at her. She wears a shocked look on her face. She takes a step toward me so that we're only inches apart. She looks up at me, her eyes sparkling, I bring my hand up to her face, grazing her cheek, while moving my hand to the crook of her neck. I move my face closer to her's. She does the same.

Bre's POV

For a single moment his lips gently touch mine. He moves back pausing to look into my eyes. I lean back in slowly and we kiss again. He moves me towards the wall pressing his body on mine. I back into it and look at him with a smile. He leans closer to kiss me again

"Gross!" Gray yells at us.

"Gray!" Zach yells "What are you doing in here this is a private... um... conversation."

"If that's a conversation than I'm never talking to anyone ever again, you guys were..."

"Gray!" Zach cuts in. "Why don't you just wait in the other room Bre and I will be in a a second"

"Fine" Gray walks out and Zach turns towards me.

"Sorry" he says running his hand through his hair.

"Don't be" I reply as I walk towards the door. When I get to it and look back at him with a smile. "I guess we'll have to finish our little conversation later"

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