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Jin sat down tiredly on Suga's couch. First day back from the hospital. Misook had told him to go home and rest. She didn't know he didn't have a home of his own. He laughed bitterly and leaned his head back. He sighed and stretched, closing his eyes contentedly. He was really, really tired. Suga walked in happily and sat down next to him. They both put their feet up on the coffee table and sighed. Rapmon walked in too. He sat opposite them.

"Where've you been?" Jin asked.

"Fighting with my dad. Fighting with the Yakuza." Rapmon sighed.

"You could've asked us for help." Suga leaned forward slightly. Rapmon shook his head.

"You needed to stay with your girlfriends."

"Thanks." Jin smiled gratefully. Rapmon nodded curtly,

"Are you going to tell them?"

"Yes." They answered in unison.

"They deserve to know." Jin murmured.

"Do you want to tell the others?" Rapmon asked quietly.

"No not yet. Let's sort it out first, or at least know what's happening." Suga sighed and closed his eyes.

"How much have you been fighting?" He asked. Rapmon shook his head,

"I don't know. I'll just be walking and Yakuza will come up. I'm at my wits end. I might ask Jungkook..." He trailed off, grimacing.

"We can't do that." Suga shook his head. Impossible. They wouldn't make Jungkook do that. No, that wasn't fair.

Jimin, J-Hope, V, and Jungkook walked in, stopping abruptly when they saw the three.

"Hey." Suga waved tiredly.

"Where have you guys been? Where's Nari and Misook?" Jimin asked concerned.

"Hospital." He sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Hospital? Why?!" V yelled.

"F**king Ya-" Suga stopped himself abruptly and turned away from the guys.

"Just some punks." Rapmon shrugged them off. Jimin and V looked hurt. J-Hope shook his head in angry disbelief.

"Now why don't you tell us what really happened."

"Just some punks." He shrugged.

"Hm what's that smell? Oh it's just your bulls**t." Jungkook sneered.

"Language." Jin scolded tiredly.

"Why won't you just tell us what's going on?" Jimin pleaded.

"It's none of your business." Suga waved him away.

"Safety." Rapmon mumbled.

"Safety?" J-Hope scoffed.

"If you knew..." Jin laughed bitterly.

"Then why don't you tell us!" V yelled.

"We deserve to know too. You guys are my family." Jimin mumbled softly. Suga's eyes softened, and Jin considered saying something to Jimin, at least. Jimin did have it the worst.

"Stop being such a pussy. They aren't gonna tell us anyways. Nothing probably even happened. They just like teasing us and pretending they're more important." Jungkook sneered. Suga's eyes hardened again,

"Say it again and I'll kick your ass." This kid was getting on Jin's nerves too. Nothing happened? Would any of them look like this if nothing happened?

"They probably went off to have sex. Sleepless nights cause dark circles." Jungkook snickered. Okay. There was a line. And it had been crossed.

"You piece of s**t!" Suga yelled, standing up. Jin stood too.

"Sleepless nights? Sleepless nights?! I wish! I f**king wish! You wanna know what happened instead? Nari got beaten so bad we thought she was dead! She can barely breathe on her own! Sex?! You know what! Some one did have sex! Wanna know who?! Misook! And it wasn't even with me! She got f**cking..." He choked on the word, "RAPED!" He finally screamed. Suga put a hand on his shoulder, and Rapmon had stood by now.

"Jin." Rapmon warned. Jin hit Suga's hand away.

"NO!" He screamed at them. He was so mad. He was so angry.

"Jin...I'm so sorry...we didn't-" Jimin attempted.

"OF COURSE YOU DIDN'T! Just stay out of things that aren't your business! Just trust us! You can't know everything! Somethings aren't meant for your ears! I wish I'd never heard it! I wish none of this ever happened!" He sat down, shaking. His voice was already hoarse from screaming. He was losing control. He needed to regain control.

"You guys need to understand. We want to tell you. We want to tell you so bad. It kills us to lie and keep things from you. You guys are our family. But we have to protect our family. But please know, we do want to tell you, we really do." Suga directed his words at the others and at Rapmon. Rapmon shook his head slightly. Jin shook his head in anger and blew out a long, hot breath. They should just tell them.

"Then just tell us." V pleaded. Suga clenched his fists angrily.

"I want everyone out. You guys haven't listened to a word we've said. And I'm too tired to have this conversation with you ungrateful pricks. I want you out of this house." Suga growled. He looked over at him, he wasn't going to stop Suga.

"You can't be serious." J-Hope looked frightened.

"THIS IS MY HOUSE! AND I WANT EVERYONE OUT! GET OUT!" He screamed advancing towards the four. They all stepped back and turned away. They walked out quickly and slammed the door behind them. Suga clenched his fists.

"You too Rapmon." He whispered. Rapmon nodded and stood, leaving silently. Suga sat down tiredly.

"This is bull." He whispered.

"I feel like an old man." Jin murmured, closing his eyes.

"We should just tell them." Suga sighed.

"Rapmon is right. We can't. If they know, the Yakuza will go after them. And I don't want anyone else I care about getting hurt." Jin mumbled. Suga grunted in agreement. He closed his eyes.

They were too tired for this crap.

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