What is love?! (Feelings)

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Love💘 is an open door. A door that you can be open to various feelings... Butterflies in your stomach, indecisiveness, an unclear state of mind or just even mixed feelings. It can be great or hard to deal with. It's like you have feelings but you don't know what you want. As a teenager people go through life changing phases that include loosing friends and gaining friendships. Some of these friendships could lead to love. Love is like a feeling of caring so deeply about someone or something. It's the best feeling to have if its true. It's like you care so much about the person you don't want them to get hurt, feel pain or go through anything bad. Everyday you wake up with a purpose, just to see them. You would do anything to see them smile because it makes you happy!!! Love is when you put someone before your self. You only want them to be happy and you want them to smile. That is the best feeling ever when you know you made someone happy, when you know your capable of making someone smile even though they are going through so much. Love is a sensation that it's hard to get over. Jeopardizing a friendship, is it worth it for love? Not knowing what you want could be so hard because you know you love the person but you don't want things to change a the same time. Maybe it's just commitment. The feeling of having to stay a certain way for a long time. Not being able to find yourself alone. It's like a title that you can't get rid of something that is always going to be with you. The right love for awhile and then feelings just suddenly drift away💕. And then you realize you miss them. And things change and so did the person. What do you do then? It's like your life is slowly falling apart... Someone was your world 🌏 and now there not. It will be so hard to restore your friendship. Without awkwardness or different feelings. People say love should wait but if you find the right kind keep it and never let it go. You say you don't want to break💔 my heart but I know you won't. Your not that kind of person. I trust,respect,care and love you and even though it's an indecisive feeling I know it's true...

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