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 Who knew that being all by themselves could cause a revolution.

"Mali?" Calum cried out. All he saw was pitch black. Everywhere. "Mali?!" he tried again. He waited a few seconds, which quickly became minutes until he soon heard a faint sound, "Over here." He tried to follow the sound of his sister's voice and started placing one hand in front the other trying to find his way around. "Mali?" Calum called out over and over. He felt something warm on his hand when he moved closer. It smelled somewhat metallic, he soon came to the conclusion that it was Mali's blood and cried out for her. "MALI!!"


Stop. Stop. Just stop. Why do I feel this way?!  I don't want to feel this way anymore!! I don't want this dark feeling in my chest, I don't wanna feel like there's this anchor inside of my chest that's making me sad every single second of the day!! Ashton continued yelling at the mirror like he did nearly everyday now, most of the time just talking to himself, other times pointing out countless flaws that he saw in himself. He slowly reached over to his dresser and opened one. He moved his clothes aside and pulled out a small container. His hiding spot. He opened the little box and pulled out the blade that allowed him to cut deeper than the other ones and closed his eyes.


Michael walked down the hall quickly, trying his best to ignore the stares and the whispers around him. "Look who it is, the freak." "You know what I heard about him..." Michael picked up his pace to the point where he was nearly running all the way home. He knew he was different from most people, but it wasn't that much of a difference. Right? He thoughts continued to wonder off  about his "disorder". He didn't like calling it that cause it just felt natural for him, he simply had a short temper. He walked around aimlessly until he bumped into a random man who had just walked out of the nearby coffee shop. "DUDE, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!" The man looked only a couple years older than Michael and by the bags under his eyes and coffee in his hand, it was pretty easy to assume he was in college. " Look man I'm sorry, it was an accident. Calm down." Michael just realizing what he had said, looked to the ground sheepishly, " Oh, sorry, I was- never mind. S- sorry." Michael could feel the tears forming in his eyes and looked away from the stranger. The other man looked at Michael with pity and guilt in his eyes. "SAVE IT!" Michael yelled, walking away from him. He stopped moving after a few minutes. Where am I??


"How was it?" Liz asked once Luke had gotten into the car. Luke still feeling the adrenaline rush from the concert, couldn't stop moving around. His fingers were tapping the tune to the last song that Good Charlotte had just played, "It was amazing! You should have seen the way they played and how loud the crowd was!"  "That's great, honey." Liz replied. Maybe you should just tell her now. "Hey mom?" "Yes?" Here goes nothing. "I think I might wanna play music when I'm older." Liz sighed, "Luke, honey, you know the chances of that happening are near impossible."  I told you she wouldn't approve. She turned to her husband and whispered, "Maybe we should sign him up for more clubs." A few days later, after school, Luke came home exhausted from all the club meetings and practices and fell onto his bed. Can't handle a little workout, wow, you really are just as weak as they think you are. "Luke?" Luke popped his head out of this bedroom door, " Yeah, mum?"  His mum appeared in front of him with an annoyed and irritated look on her face, "Why can't you be like your brothers, they're normal. Instead we have to take you to therapists, get you medication, and now you're getting all these crazy ideas." "Luke? I said don't forget about your medication."

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