Chapter 2 - Michael

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"I'm home!" Michael shouted as he stepped foot inside his house.

"Hey, honey, how was your day?" his mum yelled from the kitchen.

"Same as always. I think I'm just going to go to my room and do some homework."

"Okay, well I'll bring some dinner up later for you."

"Okay." Michael mumbled as he climbed up the stairs to his room.

Michael walked into his room and threw his backpack onto a chair and fell back on his bed. He wasn't lying, his day was the same as the day before. He woke up, got ready, entered the school through the side entrance where there was less people, rushed his way to class to class, ignored the stares and insults, and went home at the end of the day. People bullied him because they thought he was different, because they thought he was weird. Michael didn't understand what was so wrong about him. He was bipolar. So what? People have mood swings all the time, he just had them more often and his were protracted. One moment he could be quietly sitting in class, lost in thought and completely ignoring the teacher and the next he could be shouting insults left and right in someone's face. He didn't want to be like this, he never asked for anything, it just happened.

--------------------Time Skip--------------------


The bell rung during his last period, signalling the end of the day, Michael walked out of class and went to his locker. He had a load of homework to do that night so he had to go get his textbooks from his locker. He quickly put in his combination and took his books out and put them in his backpack when suddenly his locker was slammed shut. Michael looked up to find Adam, the school "star player" in front of him, his own little group of friends trailing behind him like a group of lost puppies. Adam glared at Michael. Michael was used to his torment by now so he payed no mind to Adam and his dogs. This was an everyday thing with Adam, he would walk up to Mikey usually at the end of the day and if Michael was lucky enough it happened during lunch too, note the sarcasm. 

"Hey loser!!" Adam shouted in Michael's face. Michael simply rolled his eyes, reached for his other books, and continued ignoring him. Adam seemed to get annoyed with the fact that Michael wasn't paying any attention to him, so he grabbed his arm, shoved him back into his locker, and grabbed Michael by the collar of his shirt.

" When I talk to you, you listen. Okay, freak?" sneered Adam, " Now go home you bipolar bitch!" Michael just nodded and turned towards the large double doors down the hall. As he was walking down the hallway his anger amplified and he became furious. Why couldn't Adam just leave him alone? He never did anything to anger him, so why did Adam have to bother him? That's all he seemed to have in his head these days. Lots and lots of questions that he wasn't able to answer to himself. 

Michael walked down the hall quickly, trying his best to ignore the stares and the whispers around him. "Look who it is, the freak." "You know what I heard about him..." Michael picked up his pace to the point where he was nearly running all the way home. He knew he was different from most people, but it wasn't that much of a difference. Right? He thoughts continued to wonder off about his "disorder". He didn't like calling it that cause it just felt natural for him, he simply had a short temper.

He walked around aimlessly until he bumped into a random man who had just walked out of the nearby coffee shop. "DUDE, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!!" The man looked only a couple years older than Michael and by the bags under his eyes and coffee in his hand, it was pretty easy to assume he was in college. " Look man I'm sorry, it was an accident. Calm down." Michael just realizing what he had said, looked to the ground sheepishly, " Oh, sorry, I was- never mind. S- sorry." Michael could feel the tears forming in his eyes and looked away from the stranger. The other man looked at Michael with pity and guilt in his eyes. "SAVE IT!" Michael yelled, walking away from him. He stopped moving after a few minutes. Where am I??  

--------------------Time Skip------------------


 It was May 12th, Michael had been away from home for a day when he finally found his way home. Michael had lived in Sydney his entire life, but he rarely went anywhere besides his house and school. It was easy for anyone to get lost in what seemed like the never ending roads of Sydney. Michael tried to sneak into the house and slip into his room unnoticed, but it was useless though because his parents were sitting on the couch, waiting in the living room for him. Even though he was only gone for a day his parents were worried sick about him because with his disorder, they didn't know what was going through his head and they were afraid of what trouble he could cause.

Later that night Michael was in his room when he heard faint whispering in his parents room. He put his ears to the door and heard his name along with more incoherent words, but one word that was loud and clear and replayed through his mind all night, "...mental rehabilitation center..."

This would have terrified most teenagers his age, but for Michael it was a relief. He can get away from everyone in his life. No more Adam, annoying jocks, or strict teachers, he didn't have to see them or anyone else in that matter. Overall, Mikey was excited, maybe a little too much because he was counting the days until he can go to his "new home"

--------------------Time Skip-----------------

A few weeks later Michael and his parents drove down to the rehabilitation center and Michael could barely sit still. His parents were a bit worried because they assumed that Michael would have been petrified or felt betrayed by them. But Mikey assured them on multiple occasions that it was completely fine and that he was grateful for their help and concern

After his parents signed him in, a bunch of paperwork, and a very long goodbye, Michael was lead to a his new room. Once Michael arrived at his room he pushed open the door and looked around the room. It was a plain, simple room with two beds on opposite sides of the room with a door leading to what he noticed to be a small bathroom. He noticed a tall, lanky blonde in the corner talking to himself. His first thought was,  "What a freak." but then he remembered that was exactly what Adam had always said to him, so he decided to get himself situated and went to talk to the blonde bloke. 

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