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(Girls in pic ↑)

Name: Tesstress Mayfair

Age: 16

Status: Werewolf

Relationship status: Single

Bio: Hi, I'm Tesstress but my friends call me 'Tess'. I live in California with my parents and older brother. I guess you could say we're rich but I don't like to think of it that way.

I'm a straight A student and I got offered a great opportunity to move to england for a year for this program. I leave in may at the end of my sophomore year so I have four months til then.

I'm also a werewolf or as some say 'she wolf'. I haven't found my mate yet. Did I also mention I'm a lesbian? Well, I am but no one knows. I'm also a virgin.

Well, that's it bye!


Name: Jade McRay

Age: 16

Status: Werewolf

Relationship status: single

Bio: Aye, I'm Jade but my friends call me Jay. I live with my alcoholic, drug addict, abusive mother.

She doesn't care about me or what I do. We live in a two bedroom tiny house in California because we are poor.

I lost my virginity when I was ten years old because I was raped. I was raped multiple times after that.

I ran away from home a few times, I was put into an all girls home a few times. There I found out I'm a lesbian.

I'm also a werewolf while my mom is human and doesn't know about me.

I self harm to deal with all the shit I go through. I rebel a lot but my mother doesn't care what happens to me.

I still have yet to find my mate.


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