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    "Phoebe," I hear my name being harshly whispered from the darkness of my room. I peel my eye open, lifting my head off of the pillow to stare at my brother as he crouches beside my bed and whips his head around.

    "What are you doing, freak?" I laugh, sitting up on my elbows, "What time is it?"

    "You know how Ward wants to go fishing with me?" He asks, ignoring all my previous questions as I nod, "Can you please come with me?"

    "Seriously?" I groan, tilting my head back before looking back at him, "Ward isn't going to bite you, JB,"

    "It's uncomfortable, he scares me," He defends, scooching closer to me as he stays kneeling. 

    "I hate fishing, it stinks," I scrunch my nose.

    "C'mon, don't be a baby," He pleads, his shoulders inking in disappointment, "Fine, stay here with Rafe then,"

    "Whatever, I'm coming," I sigh, lifting my warm covers off of my legs and climbing out of bed. 

    "Thank you, I owe you. Meet me at the dock," He fires off his words like he's in a hurry, my hand waving away his words as I stifle a yawn. 

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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