Constraint of an Alpha

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The wind chimes blew outside the window as the branches scratched the wall next to my head. I rolled over for the numerous time this evening sighing. A quick glance at the clock showed it to be in the early morning. I contemplated my options again, fed up with being unable to sleep in this wretched place.

The house was slowly rotting from the outside in; my mother was completely oblivious to this. She was too mesmerized by her newest love interest, Phillip. This one was an “aura reader” he traveled far and wide, and by that I mean across town and back to read peoples auras, which was no one in this town. That of course left my mother to provide for them both. My mother is a free spirit you could say; she believed everything should be shared. She preferred to get by, by trading things with others. One of the many reasons why I don’t live with her and the “aura reader”. 

This week was supposed to full of “bonding and experience” as my Mother put it, but here it was the first night and I was ready to go running back to my home. My Mother lives in the big city four hours away from me. My grandmother and I preferred to live in our small town and large house where you couldn’t stick your hand out your window and touch your neighbor’s house. These houses here are put together like shoeboxes, barely enough room for you to walk beside your own house.

My Grandmother told me once my Mothers father passed away that my mother went wild trying to be as outrageous and outspoken as she could.

I made it through an evening of squash and dancing and that was about all I could take. I went to bed early claiming to be tired from my travels but in all honesty I just needed to get away from them and all their peculiar ways.

I sat up, deciding to just go with my gut and return to where I belong with my Grandmother. Something about this house was not right and seemed to keep me rather unsettled. I put back on my sweater and jeans, grabbing my already packed duffle bag, since I never bothered to unpack it, and made a run for the door.

It creaked and moaned in dismay, begging for it to not be opened any further but I refused to give in. I needed to escape and get out of here. I never belonged with my mother, and I sure don’t belong with her at this residence with her boyfriend.

I had no idea what room my mother slept in nor did I have any curiosity. I just knew how to get to the exit and that was good enough for me.  I crept down the stairs waiting patiently after every second stair to see if I had awoken anyone, considering the stairs only creaked half as bad as the door I thought I was doing just fine. I made it to the main floor and I could see the Holy Grail, the front door was in my sight appearing to be farther away than I remembered, as if it was teasing me. 

I took one large step on my tiptoes trying to decrease the distance when a shadowy longhaired figure stepped in front of me. 

I took in his long white dress and sandals and slowly raised my head up to meet his brown questioning eyes and smile, the weird overly happy smile he always seemed to have.

“Corra my dear, shouldn’t you be back in bed its 2:08 in the morning,” He spoke in his bubbly voice with his freakish smile bearing his weird gaze in to my mind.

I stood still ignoring his grotesque smile. The last train left at 2:45, and I needed to be on it. I slowly raised my eyebrows, “Phillip-“

He nodded eagerly still smiling awaiting my answer.

I honestly have no idea where my Mother finds these men, I’m going to assume the Looney bin. “How did I wake you up?” I questioned honestly puzzled on how he heard me since I was being so quiet minus the door.

“Ahh Corra, your beautiful aura aluminated my room like a nightlight!” He said clasping his hands together like he just witnessed a miracle.

I nodded plastering on a smile, “Did my Mom wake up?” I asked.

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