Chapter 2: Thanks, Mother. And you too, Mr. Sleazy.

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The Hills by The Weekend

Story of My Life by One Direction

Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay

Steal My Girl by One Direction

Fool's Gold by One Direction

Gibberish by Max

Come and Get It by Selena Gomez 

See You Again by Wiz Khalifa ft Charlie Puth

All About That Bass by Megan Trainor 

Heart Attack by Demi Lovato

A/N: Chapter Two is here! Previously, Serena was nervous about getting ready to go to the airport for her flight. Now she's here and you all will see the first glimpse of her mother. Don't get your hopes up....At least, someone should have warned Serena about that.... 


"We're here." My father blankly stated as we pull up to the departures. I glance outside my window and I see people hugging, kissing their loved ones goodbye and dragging suitcases into the airport. I hesitantly open the door, the wind splashing across my face and I bite my bottom lip, attempting to get my feet out of the car. I remove myself from my father's car  and continue to stare at the airport. 

This is really happening. I'm going home? 

We walk into the airport together, the sound of Elisabeth's heels clicking on the ground seems to soothe my jumbled mind for a moment. Strolling across the large airport and getting through security, we finally find my terminal, my brain returning to its hazed state.

I am handed my bags by my father and a tearful Elizabeth. My father shoves his hand into his pocket and suddenly pulled out a medium sized box. I look at him confused. That box looked too big to shove into a pocket and I'm surprised at myself for not noticing it.

"What is this?" I ask him as he hands it to me.

"Open it and see." My father raises his eyebrows at the box and Elisabeth puts her hand on my fathers arm while resting her head on his shoulder.

I open the box and my eyes widen at what I see. My mouth falls open as I pull out a credit card and a diamond ring. Elisabeth lifts her head up and gasps.

"David, you got her a credit card? She's only fifteen. Does her mother know?" Elisabeth whispered quite loudly to my father as I put the diamond encrusted ring on my ring finger. The ring is too big, so I place it on my middle finger instead. My eyes glaze over the ring, the band encrusted with tiny diamonds that if you put it up to the light, the hard, rocked jewels seem to shine like the stars in the midnight sky. I realize that the words 'I'll always be with you. Near or far.' is engraved into the inner part of the ring. 

It's perfect.

"She needs it incase of an emergency and what her mother doesn't know won't hurt her." He tells her. I look up at him surprised and Elisabeth glares at him.

I mentally applaud my father for not needing to ask my mother for permission for every single thing he does with me.

"It's absolutely perfect. Thank you Dad." I tell him as I hug him. My face nuzzles into the corner of his neck, his cologne drifting into my nose as I breathe, reminding myself of how much I will miss him when I leave. A tear runs down my cheek when I pull away. Elisabeth begins to sniffle again.

"Promise me that you'll be safe." My dad pleads me.

I hug him again. "You know I'll always be." I whisper to him as I wrinkle his suit for hugging him too tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2015 ⏰

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