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Len's P.O.V

I didn't know what t o think, maybe she'll punch me or call me a faggot. No. She just hugged me and rubbed my back. "Shh. It's okay" She said in a calming voice that she always had. Yumi smiled as she wiped away my tears with her thumb. "No need for tears Len. Come let's skip school and get some ice cream or something" Yumi suggested as she tugged on my arm to follow her down the stairs. We were on the roof of the school for some reason, but being with her man it kind of worth it. "Okay" I said as she and ran down the fire escape stair with me close behind her. "We're going to get in trouble Yumi!" I scream whispered as her eyes lit up with mischive that matched her sinister smile. "So?" She said as she ran out the door just before the fire bell went off. WTF? I copied her and ran before the bell sounded. Lucky me no one was around to see me sloppy get away. I tripped and stumpled over a rock and my foot. Yumi was sitting on a car laughing at me. "Oi!" she cheered as I ran over to her. "You made it come on before Mr. Glumps sees us" She grabbed my hand and raced down the block towards the ice cream palor.

Yumi's P.O.V

I had to get Len away for a while he seemed so sad and I had the perfect plan. We ran for a while until we reached Ray's Ice a local ice cream palor hangout for teens and pre teens I guess. It was a big old fashion looking 1960 bulding where all the waitress and waiter wear roller skates, it's a real 'swing place' Walking inside I waved hello to the owner and grab a seat in the far back. "So" I started off awarkedly as Len fumbled with his shirt. "Was is Chris?" I asked at random which caught him off gaurd. "What!No" He stared at me which made me smile. "Ant-" He cut me off with a quick glare. "I'll tell you later just not right now" He said as he picked up the Menu and started looking at it. "Fine." I mumbled as I started looking at the menu myself. I'm not sure how many favors there are in the ice cream world but I do know Cake Batter is in the top 5! "What cha getting?" I asked Len as I glanced at the toppings. Hmm gummy worms and maybe pound cake. "I'm getting a sundae or a milkshake how about you?" Len asked as he looked up from the menu. "Cake Batter with gummy worms and pound cake and a bit of blue forsting" I smiled as I put down my menu to see his shocked expression.

"Fat ass, do you know how many calories are in that?" He yelled at me as he hit me in my head with the menu. "Ow? No and I don't care I want ice cream don't make this a weight thing. I get to much crap from the other cheerleaders about my eating" I sighed as I layed with my arms strenghted forward on the table. "Yumi why not just quite?" He asked as he sat beside me and storked my hair. "Because-" He cut me off again. "Don't start a sentence off with because" Len tugged lightly at my hair. "Ow! OKAY! I just can't because Yuki won't let me and I don't know anything else I'm good at" I pouted just as Owen slid into our booth while Len got up to sit across from me. "Well you could always be a porn star" Owen chirpped in as he poked my side. Narrowing my eyes at him, giving him a quick punch in his rib. "Gee thanks Owen" I mumbled. Len started to shift uncomfortablely in his seat not making eye contact with our new uninvited guest. "Aren't you suppose to be in class?" He shot at me as he rub his side. "Aren't you suppose to be dentetion?" I fired back as the waitress rolled over to us popping gum.

Geez I hate when I get waitress like this. "What can I get yall?" She asked in her country accent. "Um. A cake batter ice cream dish with sour gummy worms, pound cake, whip cream a bit of blue forsting and a cherry on top" I said proudly as the lady looked at me like I was from another plante. Okay can someone tell me what's so weird about a teenage bisexual girl about 5ft tall ordering a shit load of toppings on her ice cream?! "I'll have a strawberry bannana milkshake" Len said as she shook his head at my order. "How about you handsome?" Said the waitress as she pulled her candy red hair behind her ear. Owen was to busy poking me to even hear her. "Um give me some cheese fries, a cheese burger and a malt milkshake." Owen said as he pulled on the zipper of my sweater. "Stop" I said as I pushed his hand away. I didn't have time to find a shirt so I didn't wear one, only my black laced victorica sercet bra.

 "Whyyyy?" Whined Owen as he stilled tugged at my zipper, he lend in closer to my so his minty breath was on my exposed neck. "Len's here that's why you jerk face" I stuck my tougue out at him. But I didn't think he would grab it with his mouth, yet he did. He devoured my tougue in a light mannar which quickly turned into french kissing with him in contiorl. He pushed me up against the wall of the booth and moved his hand up my sweater and over my bra roughtly caressing mt breast. Running my fingers through his dark locks I couldn't help the moans that escape my mouth through the kisses. Len cleared his throat to make us stop. My face was unbarebly red. "Sorry Len" I smiled at him but he only shook his head. "Aww Lennie boy what's some action too come here" Owen sat beside him and kissed Len right on the lips almost the same way he kissed me. WHAT THE HELL?

Len's P.O.V

Once Owen's lips crashed with mines it took every being in my body not to kiss him back, his lips were soft and warm. He started bitting on my bottom lip as he whispered. "Kiss me back damnit." So I did, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as our kiss deeped, he begged for entry of my mouth and I allowed it. Then I got hard. CRAP I GOT HARD! But Owen didn't mind one bit I was starting to think he enjoyed every bit of it because next thing I knew he was grabbing on my staff lightly, pretty much giving me a hand job. "Well then" Yumi giggled as she started looking for something. Owen pulled away and smiled before giving me a quick peck before returning to Yumi's side. "Can I?" Owen asked Yumi who was texting away on her Droid. "Only if he want's too" She replied before looking up at me with a sly smile. "What? If I want to what?" I asked looking at the both of them. "He want's to give you a hand job and a blow job" She said simply as she texted something else. Owen winked at me making me blush. Was he gay or something? "I'm Trisexual Len" Owen cleared his throat which made Yumi laugh.

 "And a sex addict" She added for good humor.




"I just fuck anything or anyone I can my hands on" He laughed and winked at me. 

Did I really want this? "Yes or no Len. Owen's a very horny man as you can see" Yumi pointed to Owen's tight jeans with his member standing up at attention. I nodded my head and quickly got up to follow Owen down the narrow hall to the boys bathroom. Once inside Owen changed completely, for the freaky. "Over there" He pointed to one of the stalls in the far left corner. For thoses of you who haven't seen a male's restroom this one is more female Only stalls and a big ass mirror with a hand dyer and a trash can and a door. Pretty basic nothing flashy. Doing as I was told I walked over to the far ended stall and rest my head agaisnt the tiled wall. Owen must have been behind me or something because next thing I knew he was unzipping my jeans and grabbing my staff with his hands a bit rough for my likling. Opening my eyes to see him eyeing it. I'm not small. I think, it's about 6 inches and a half. That's not small right? He grabbed my already hard staff and inserted it into his mouth and started sucking on it intensely, his tougue played with the hole on my penis. O moaned in delight as I felt myself leaking. "Hmm" Moaned Owen as he swallowed every bit of what was comin out. Sliding the wall as Owen started kissing me on my neck as he pulled my jeans down to my ankels.I groaned as he pushed him away. "My turn" he whispered as he postioned himself to enter me. "We can't" I pushed him away but his manhood was already stroking my entry begging to be let in. Soon it was and I was crying from the pain. GOD SOMEONE MAKE HIM STOP?! Like everything in this world first is pain then pleasure. Screams turned into moans and tears turned into something I rather not say.

 After a 20 more mintues in heaven we returned to the table. Our food was there unmelted. Yumi was texting yet again. "How was it?" She asked putting her phone down.

"There's not much left to say"

~!!! so SO SO sorry for not uploading hopefully this will help ease the pain of my bad habbit of not finsihing!. How d you guys feel about Owen and Len? Or even Yuki and Yumi!!!


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