OMG I Said No

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Yumi's P.O.V

It's been a week since Jerry had taken me home right after the game. He wanted to stay with me at my house but I wanted him to go with his friends and some fun since they just won their game. I felt numb all over, the one person I let get close to me heart, soul and body just up and lied and cheated on me. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream and yell. But instead I sat in my backyard on my hammock and rocked back and forth as I started to think, really think about each person and how everyone fit into my life.

Len: From a blackmailer to one of my cloestest gay friends with a heart of gold. He's been over my house bring me all kinds of Candan food for a month and half now. He was my male mother who just wouldn't let not one thing slide.

Then there was Owen: Old boy toy, the guy who would never settle down with anything! Now in a compete relationship with mama Len, which made Owen papa Wen. He acted just like a father to me which I what I needed since my family started to fall apart, my mother started using durgs and overdose on some pill and died on the bathroom floor of a cheap motel with some old rich Irish man. I cried for days. Jake left for the army shortly after leaving me all alone in this fucked up town so now I live with Owen and his uncle in this bi house that his grandfather's brother bulit. Oh well.

Then theres Jerry: We didn't even last that long! We didn't match we just couldn't be together he wanted a girl to cheer him on, be stupid to the world! I wanted someone to understand that I wasn't perfect and that's what he wanted someone perfect so he left me for some other cheerleader. Honestly we are just friends ...with benfits? Yeah let's go with that one. He would call or I'll call and we both just bang it out until the cows came home, or until Owen walked in or Jerry's grandmother. Ew? But that was our relationship just sex and we were both cool with it.

Staring up at the clear blue sky I notices how each cloud looked like a marshmellow. Mmm marshmellows I wonder if there's any gramcrackers or hersey left from the cook out. Quickly I scrambled off the hammock and ran into the kitchen and slam into Owen's uncle who was holding a large bowl of popcorn which was now on the floor. I bite my lip and shurgged as he narrowed his eyes then smiled as he walked off into the back room to get the broom I guess. The door bell rung a few times as I grab my lovely sticky treat. Skipping over to the door to open it. Man I wish I left that door close.

(I was going to leave it there! :D Love me for it!)

There standing a really pissed figure with a pink frilly apron with a pair of black skinny jeans and a white button down dress shirt was Len. A crooked grin appeared on my lips as I slipped the exposed bag of marshmellows behind my back. "LENNY!" I yelled loud enough for Owen to hear and save me from an anger Len. "WHERE WERE YOU TODAY!? YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO BE AT MY HOUSE 5 HOURS AGO FOR BUNCH! WHAT THE FUCK WHERE IS OWEN!?" He yelled as he stormed off to find Owen who was innocently walking out of the bathroom. Len gave him an earful of good mannars and how to treat someone or something like that. I danced my way down the stairs and into the basement. My room to be fully detailed. I had Owen put some wallpaper up to cover the old dull grey stones with some lemon yellow paint with creme white strips to brightin the room a bit as I added light femine touch to the rest of the basement so they knew not to come down stairs.

Slipping onto my bed I stared up at the celling in compete thought once more, my life has been wasted in this town. I should start working again and save up some money to get out of here. What's left here besides haunting memories of the past? Nothing. Sighing I turned on my side and so I was laying on my stomach, looking around the room I notices the small things around the room. For example: the floor lamp next to the bookcase, the large flat screen on the wall, my desk with a mile high stack of books on it, my laptop on the floor under the trash can. My underwear on top of the bookcase and Yuki coming out of the window.

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