chapter #3

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Hey guys, pls vote and comment, it would mean a lot to me, and help me out with writing! and sorry about all the spelling mistakes, i'll try to fix that :) 

I watched as Karys left the building looking quite taken aback. But before I could let my thoughts wander, the Kings' deep voice brought me back to the present.

"We mustn't  waste any more time, do you understand?" he said sounding slightly agitated as he spoke to the group of elves and myself. "The demons have already multiplied and are spreading towards the right side of the beaoch, you must leave at once."

A few of the elf warriors and I met up with my friend Doon, who usually had a mischievous smile and twinkle in his eyes, now looked utterly serious, as he put a dagger in his belt, the blade an intricate swirl of fire and stars clashing together, the symbol of us, the Daemon Venature. 

We were a large group of humans, who, in the 1900's were injected with the blood of the immortal beings, such as elves and warlocks. Naturally we were sworn enemies against the demons, but since we were only half elves and in most cases warlocks, we were not permitted, against the law, to be a part of their council. So we named ourselves the Daemon Venature, Demon Hunter, and formed our own council, in which we allied ourselves with our close cousins the elves and warlocks.

Now, spread across the world in vast numbers, we kept the savage demons from forcing chaos on the slight and clueless humans.

Doon looked up at me and smiled, "Hello brother, its been a long time since we have met." he said patting me on the back.

I nodded in return, trying to keep my face as unemotional as possibly, hoping he wouldn't ask if everything was alright, I attempted to smile. I guess I failed, because he frowned and pulled me away from the elves getting ready to leave. 

"Something's wrong," he said matter of factly " don't try to deny it, I know you man, something is on your mind, and its serious."

I sighed, he was just too good at reading facial expressions, and so I told him everything about the arranged marriage. 

When I finished, he looked at my with pity, his brown hair falling over his green eyes, "Saber," he started "that sucks, man, I'm so sorry, maybe I could talk to your parents for you?"

I nodded, and we climbed into his truck, following the elves down some winding streets, until we reached the lighthouse on the east side of the beach. from the road, I could just make out the twisted figures of the demons near the water. I grabbed two swords and my dagger from the back of Doons' truck, and the elves started to make their way down to the water, while Doon and I stayed further away, waiting for the battle to start. It was sort of how we planned all of our attacks, the elves were light on their feet, and could easily sneak up close enough to shoot arrows, while Doon and I were better at close range fighting, coming at them while they were distracted.

I saw the first arrow being shot, and hitting a demon right between its drooping eyes. It yelled out, as black blood ran down his face, and then fell to the ground, as the poison on the edge of the arrow seeped into his blood stream, causing him a slow and agonizing death.

After the next four arrows were shot, and had successfully hit their targets, Doon and I ran down the sandy beach. I whipped out one of my swords right as a demon launched himself at me, his teeth barred. I swung my sword in a sideways arc, and sent his head flying off his shoulders.Sticky black blood splattered on the front of my jacket. I looked over at Doon, and saw him plunge his dagger into the protruding belly of a particularly fat and ugly demon. 

I noticed that all of the demons here were slightly different from each other, most of them had rough scaly  translucent skin, the black veins thick and dark, stood out clearly against the pale skin. Some of them were scrawny little things, crawling around on six legs, spitting up sand behind them, their faces menacing, and smiling maniacally. others were more human looking , but only slightly because of the way they stood, although now that I looked closer, I could see them hunched over looking as though they were holding something under what seemed to be multiple folds of hair skin.

All around me more and more demons were falling to the ground, blood stained the white sand, black and red. I could see a few of the elves limping back towards the trucks by the road, although they had received only minor injuries, they were in no condition to fight.

I ducked a demon spitting acid at me, and stuck my dagger in his chest, and pulled it down through his skin as hard as I could, ripping open his chest and body, guts spilling out on the sand.

All of a sudden, I heard human sounding scream, and looked around to find it emanating from Doon. His face seemed to be sizzling, and i realized it was acid that had splattered on him. He knelt in the sand, still screaming, cradling his face in his hands, the acid spreading to his fingers and up to his wrists. I ran towards my friend, I rolled him over onto his back and spoke sooting words to him. 

I was part warlock, it was the immortal blood in my family, and so I had a magical touch, you might say. It wasn't very strong, but it would hopefully block out enough of the pain until we could get him to a more powerful warlock. 

I concentrated my energy on the sizzling sound of the acid eating away at his face, and I felt my fingers go cold, ice spreading over Doons' face and hands, freezing him momentarily, his expression utter anguish. I called one of the elves over, and he helped my lift Doons' rigid body to his truck. Most of the demons were dead now, and the elf told me I wouldn't be needed, and said I should take Doon to the warlock Godfried Blum. One of the best warlocks in the city.

As I drove, Doon started to groan and his fingers would occasionally twitch, by the time we had reached the front steps of Blums' town house, he was mumbling nonsense.

I knocked impatiently on his door, I had never met him so when an old wrinkled man with white fluff on the top of his head and his round glasses slightly askew on his nose, I took a step back, almost dropping Doon who I had propped up in my arms. 

"Who are you?" Said Blum, in an old mans voice.

"My name is Saber Serpenthelm, sir," I said.

"I suppose you are looking for my help," he said looking at Doons' limp body in my arms.

"Yes," I said struggling to hold him upright "I need you help, please," 

"Well, come in then," he said ushering us into the small front hall.

I thankfully walked in, and dropped Doon into a chair, as the old man closed the door behind us, he then hobbled past us, and into his small little kitchen.

he popped his head back out and said "Aren't you coming?" 

I nodded, and picked Doon up once more, carrying him into the small kitchen, and felt the warmth of a fire burning in the hearth of a tiny little fireplace. 

"Now, what do we have here?" Blum said.

Hoped you liked it!!!! pls vote and comment !!! 

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