Chapter Six

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The bullet whized by my arm. I felt a pain in my arm but I didn't have time to process it. I didn't have time for anything. I pulled myself up onto the branch and made my way up and around it. Not trusting myself to be able to make the next jump to the tree next to me, with my arm.

Bullets flew and flew, they ripped through anything they touched. I knew they weren't trying to kill me but that doesn't mean they wouldn't injure me.

I was trapped and they were coming around the other side. I didn't know what to do. It's like my brain just stopped working at the thought of going back to that horrible place.

I took a deep breath to try and steady my breathing. I could fight but one against 30 is horrible odds. I
glanced down again to see them rounding the tree to my side. I was running out of time!

I held my breath as I stepped off the tree branch hurtling down to the unsuspecting humans. Going for the element of surprise. I grinded my teeth at the impact of the man I fell on, pain traveling through my ankles. I got up to see his friend pointing a gun at me. I qucikly grabbed hold of the gun and flipped it the air so now I had it and the barrel faced him.

I rolled my eyes at his panicked expression. "Don't worry I'm not gonna shoot you." I threw down the gun. The man looked relived for a second. And I almost felt guilty for snapping his neck. Almost. "That would make to much noise."

I let his body drop like a ton of rocks to the grassy ground. His friend got up wobbly and was about to charge at me. I quickly slammed his head against the tree cracking his scull and killing him.

That's when I realized it was quiet. I didn't even hear the shuffling of careless human feet. I snuck to the other side of the tree to see six wolfs with blood all over them and bodies scattered around them like confetti. I was about to turn and and run when one wolf saw me eyes wide, then started to growl as it charged at me. I went to turn around and make a run for it when a knife met my stomach. I took in a sharp breath at it's intrusion. Damn, that hurt. I looked at the human that did it. Then I slowly took a breath in as I ripped it out of me not caring of the blood spilling out at an alarming rate. The human that had once had a look of satisfaction in his eyes now held horror. I twirled the knife around in my fingers and stabbed the guy in the neck, watching as the life left his eyes and he fell to his knees, then on his back, joining his dead friends.

When the wolf got over to where I was I quickly put an arm around my stomach not wanting him to see my weaknesses. From experience I knew I had two minutes until I passed out from the blood loss. I looked at the wolf challenging it with my eyes. If I was going to go out, I was going out with a fight.

I let my wolf shine through my eyes. The wolf eyes seemed sympathetic but his body language showed he was ready for a fight.

My legs felt like jello and I didn't think the trees were suppose to move and bend like that. I shook my head trying to concentrate. The other wolves quickly joined the first, and as my arm slipped from my stomach they all started to shift not caring about being naked as I fell to the ground on my knees clutching onto my consciousness woth everything I had. I saw the guys start to pull on sweat pants that they pulled from a tree woth clothes they had pre planted there and girls throwing on hoodies.

I'm sorry. I thought we were free. I apologized to my wolf.

We were free. She said back sadly.

My head made contact with the ground but I didn't feel anything, it all felt numb. My head lulled to the side, the grass tickling my nose.

"She's dieing!" I heard somebody yell, it sounded like a female.

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