Chapter Eighteen

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I was done wallowing. I couldn't take the constant fear and it was so silent that my ears rang and I feared I was deaf and so dark I feared I was blind. I stood up in the small room and felt around for the door. When I finally felt the ridge of the door I felt for a door knob but there was none.

I found the hinges. I took my fingers and began to pull up. I did this for hours slowly and painfully moving it up. My fingers bloody but I refused to stop.

You're a monster.

You're pathetic.

You're nothing but scum.

You're not my sister. My sister died and a monster was left in her place.

The insults from my own brother rang in my head. My own family thinks I'm nothing but a monster. The people who have kept me sane think what everybody else thinks of me. Who could love somebody like me if my own blood couldn't?

Damnit I can't survive if I keep thinking like that! I did the only thing I knew how to. I put all my emotions except survival in a box and pushed it the very back of my mind. This makes me unable to feel anything. Like a humanity switch and now it's off. I didn't do it sooner because I didn't want to come back to my family being well a monster. Guess it's too late now.

From this point on, until I wanted those emotions back, I blissfully felt nothing.

I finally got both hinges off. I kicked it down and stepped out in the too bright ceiling lights that temporarily blinded me.

Guards started shooting at me, I walked up to them easily dodging their bullets I took both there heads and slammed them together breaking there skulls and crushing their brains.

I let go of them, their bodies falling to the ground, stepping over them and I kept walking. Ten more guards bum rushed me and insted of going stright for the kill making it painless as possible I did it slowly. I shoved my thumbs in one guards eyes busting them. I chocked one to death and lifed him off the ground as he scratched at my hands, and I watched as his eyes slowly lost their life as his sorce of life was taken from him. I took there guns and shot a guard in both hands and feet, blood flowing. I dropped the guns as I shoved my hand into a guard's chest cavitie and damaged his heart just enough for him to die slowly. The next one I slashed their chest just deep enough for them to suffer for awhile and watch helplessly as he dies. I grabbed ahold of the next guy and broke his spine so he was paralyzed for the rest of his life, I saw something shiny and bent down to grab it, it was a lighter and a pack of cigarettes, "These things can kill you you know." I told the corpse and laughed at my own joke as I took the lighter and shoved it in my pocket. The next one tried to get me from the back but I took a knife off the guard and chopped off his hand, "Bad boy." I said. I slashed the next guard's throat so he chocked on his own blood as he died. Another ran at me and I flipped him over me so he smashed into the wall behind me crushing his scull. The last one looked at me in fear at me coated in the other's blood, "Run." I told him simply. I took a bloodied knife off the ground as he ran away and threw it at him. It landed deep in his back but he cant reach it to take it out and will slowly bleed out. By the time I was done the hallway was painted in blood and bits of people littered the ground and there was groaning and people screaming.

The 'doctor' stood there with a tranquilizer. I cocked my head to the side before I super sped over to him injected him with it and broke his neck, the snap echoing in the room. I bent down to the ground and said to his corpse. "What a shame. I wanted to kill you more slowly. But this will have to do." I said disappointed as I stood up. "Hey but maybe you should call a doctor for that neck pain you have. It could be serious." I laughed and started walking again. Then an idea came to me.

I found the door to the outside but I walked past it. I went to my torture room and got the gasoline they used on me and walked around pouring it every where. Guards tried to stop me but I picked up knives when I was in there and easily killed them before they got close. I stopped by Tristan's office and barricaded it.

When I was finally outside I took the lighter I lifted from a guard and lighted it. Tristan was looking through a window at me screaming at me to stop and pounding on the window.

I just smirked and did a two finger sarcastic salute before I dropped the active lighter. His eyes held nothing but fear as the ground catched fire and quickly spread to the facility. I turned around wiped my hands against each other as I walked away to the sound of screams and the smell of smoke. "Burn in hell bitches."

My smile grew as I walked into the woods. No clue where I was going but for once not giving a shit about anything or anybody. I felt nothing and it was great.

At least at the time it felt great.

Noah's POV

We went to Tristan's house but he wasn't home so we tracked him from there.

It took us a half an hour to finally get to the middle of no wheres and to a burning building.

I ran out assuming Dodge was burning alive in there. I heard Charlie yelling at me but I didn't care what he was saying, Dodge was dieing. Joey tackled me knocking the wind out of me and knocking me to the ground.

"Get the fuck off! She'll die! I have to save her! Get off!" I struggled, trying to get him off while trying to get oxygen back in my lungs.

"She's not here man! We can't contact her on the pack link! And her scent is faint!" I stopped moving. "She's been gone for hours from the smell."

"So she escaped?" I asked my brain not being able to function yet.

"Yes." Joey said and got off of me and helped me up.

"So what now?" I said frustrated.

Charlie thought for a moment. "We could track her scent-" We couldn't track her before because there was to many scents mixed with hers but now there was only her.

Emily cut him off. "Guys! If she escaped and everybody is clearly dead then she would come home. But she hasn't. That means she doesn't want to. She doesn't want us to find her." She told us.

And she was right I just didn't care. "Look I'm finding her."

"Man, if she doesn't want to be found then-" Joey began.

"No! She's alone. She doesn't deserve to be alone. Nobody does, so I'm going to hunt her down whether she wants me to or not." I said and started walking away in the direction of her faint scent.

"What are you going to do when you find her?" Whispered Emily.

"I'm gonna give her one hell of a kiss." I said walking backwards and then kept on walking forwards.

I was at the tree line when I heard Charlie say, "Fuck it." And the crunching of his feet.

Emily was arguing with Joey. "She doesn't want to be found."

"Ya but she owes me a piece of bacon." And I could hear the smile in his voice as jogged over.

"I didn't want to live anyways, totally overrated." I heard Emily say sarcastically as she ran to catch up.

I hid my smile. Little did Dodge know how many people love her. But she would soon. I wonder what she was thinking. I wonder what she was feeling. I couldn't wait to see her.

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