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Zayn P.O.V.

I didn't want to leave Lacey on her own, but I couldn't risk it. I could t risk falling in love with her and doing something to hurt her, but it seems I've already done that...

I know someone is hurting her and I will find out.


Lacey P.O.V.

The sound of my alarm. Die.

I woke up in a puddle of my own tears, guess I did cry a lot last night. My body was aching so badly that I have a massive purple and blue bruise.

I dragged my self out of my bed, I took the clothes of from yesterday and went to get a towel in the wardrobe. I got my clean clothes and quietly unlocked the door. I cautiously looked around the halls to see if I could see my father.

It was clear, I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on. I put the clothes and towel to one side and stepped into the shower. The whit water making contact with my skin, making my bruises and cuts sting.

I stepped out the shower and wrapped the towel around me, I went back into my room and put on a pair of black skinny jeans, and a white jumper to again, cover my cuts and bruises.

I put some deodorant on and grabbed my books and bag.

I slowly and quietly walked downstairs and I got some more food. I put the food in my bag and quietly left the house.

I was walking again, as usual. I don't want to face no one today, like Niall, Louis, Harry and Liam and especially Zayn.

I just want to be left alone.

After what seemed again like forever I finally got to school. Hell. I walked through the double doors and went to my locker. I opened it and looked at my lessons.

1. History
2. Spanish
3. Design Technology
4. Art...

Art. No. Help me Lord.

I had history first and thank god, none of the bullies or Zayn is in that class.

I walked to my history class and saw someone coming the oppositite direction. Zayn.

Why me?

I put my head down, and held my bag, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Lacey" he said

I turned my head and carried on walking.

"Lacey, please speak to me" he pleaded

I still ignored him and started walking a tad faster. I didn't want to speak to him and I won't.

As I opened the door to my history class there was 5 people in. Wow, nice one.

I sat on my seat, at the back, on my own, again.

Mr. Davies came through the door.

"Okay class, well group, there are normally 20 people in this class, but there are 6 of you, so, this class is cancelled for today, you're dismissed" he said and rubbed the whiteboard.

There were a few 'yesss' and I let everyone out before me, I'm last out, I don't want to be noticed.

So, I had an hour to do what I wanted. I walked out the school and went to the field where I normally go and got out my sketch book and pencils and started to sketch.

I started to sketch what looked like a bird, I was just sketching whatever came into my head.

I heard laughing and lifted my head. Louis and Liam were walking towards me.

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