Irresistible 6 [[[[=

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who has made me want to continue ;D <3

"GET OUT." He says.

Whaaaa? Why?! What I do?

"I said GET OUT." 

"But, what-..."Before I even get to finish my sentence he shoots me the meaniest look, shutting me up.

"Get out..." He whispers. 

I get up slowly and head for the door, before leaving I look back. He is looking down. I make sure to close the door on my way out, I go to my room practically running.

What did I do? Is he disgusted with me now? Oh my god, he is. I'm so stupid, why did I let jealousy take over? 

I hate myself, can somebody get anymore stupider than me? I throw myself down on to my bed, putting my headphones in my ears, blaring Three Days Grace in my ears. Needing the music to put my mind at ease.

I don't understand, what happened? All of a sudden things were getting hot and next thing I know is Im being pushed away and being told to get out.

I sigh, the rejection, it hurts. Well Cedric, you knew he was straight yet you threw yourself at him, what did you expect? My stupid inner voice says.

Well then why did he tell me to kiss him, practically telling me to continue? I just dont understand it, I'm so confused.

What am I going to do? He's disgusted with me...Now he isn't going to want to talk to me anymore, I...dont think I'll be able to take him ignoring me, I can take the rejection but him ignoring will practically kill me.

Shi-....I got it bad. UGH I told myself not to let myself like him even more than I already did and yet here I am, saying it would "KILL" me if he ignored me? I curl into a ball, hugging myself.

He looked at me like I was nothing like he needed to get away from me as fast as possible, I hated that look. What am I going to do tomorrow? Act like it never happened? How is he going to react?! Oh gosh....I'm going to go crazy...

Oliver's POV (<3)

What the hell? What was he doing to me? My heart still pounded from him touching me and kissing me.

The thing that scares me is that, I was enjoying it. Enjoying it is an understatement! 

The look on his face when I told him to get out, was unbearable. I had to look away from him so I didnt get up and go to him and tell him to go ahead and continue or kiss him until that look on his face was gone. 

WAIT, kiss him? continue?! I like my woman! NOT GUYS. I'm straight. 

This happened cause I hadnt had sex with Clarissa in a few days, yup thats the reason. I only enjoyed it cause I was sex deprived! I just need to have sex with her and then everything will be okay.

Okay now that that's settled, phew. Almost lost it for a second there. 

What am I going to do about tomorrow? Act normal? YUP, act like nothing had happened. It didnt mean anything anyway. 

I want nothing to do with him in that kind of way. I love Clarissa.  She is what made me stop and the fact that it was a dude making me hot. UGH, thats weird.

I sigh, pacing around my room. I can't tell Clarissa about this, she'd get so disgusted. OBVIOUSLY.

I sit down and lay down on my bed, images popped up into my head. Oh my god, get the fuck out of my head. I clutch my head, just get out.

I can't take this anymore, I leave my room and head for the guest bedroom, practically running, not wanting to bump into Cedric, the way he looked at me when he was asking me why popped into my head. I shake my head, forget about it.

I open the door and shut it and lay down on the bed and close my eyes, what I need right now is sleep, sleep please do come and then it did.

Cedric's POV

I woke up to Oliver shaking me, "Dude time to get up, get ready. We are going to the mall." He turned and left my room.

Thats it? Nothing about last night? He is going to ignore what happened?

I sigh, yeah I guess thats for the best. I know he isnt interested in me. 

I get up and get ready, it takes me about 30 minutes. I head downstairs to see the family eating breakfast.

"Darling?" Cynthia says.


"What do you want for breakfast." 

"Oh. nothing." 

"But you have to eat something."

"I'm not hungry."

I sit down at the table and take a quick glance at Oliver he is chewing his food, he looks adorable eating like that.

I close my eyes, stop it Cedric, you really need to get over him, obviously he doesnt want you at all. You're right, he doesn't.

About 30 minutes later Clarissa, Oliver and I are all piled in the backseat of Olivers nice Mustang.

I lay my chin in my palm, while looking out the window. 

"Olipoo, I'm so happy I get to spend my day with you." I look over at them, they are holding hands up front, MINE. If only that was my hand in his. I tear my gaze away. Not yours, never was.

"Mhmmm, me too."

We pull up into the mall and walk up to the front door and walk in. Well, I walk faster than them so I dont have to see them be all lovey dovey. 

I look up and see somebody who looks familiar, oh my god its my ex John! I yell, "Johnnny!" Whats he doing here?

He looks up and sees me. "Ced!" He jogs up to me and hugs me. 

"What are you doing here in Cali?!" 

"Im visiting my dad."

"Oh my god, finally?" 

"Right? He seems like a nice guy so far!" I find myself smiling. 

"Ummm..." I hear oliver say.

"Oh right, guys this is ....John. John, this is Oliver, and Clarissa."

"Hi guys, I'm Ced's ex boyfriend."John says smiling brightly.


;D! Here you guys go ^_^ I hope you enjoy this chapterr. Sorry for any grammar mistakes and what not. (: <3

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