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I want to say thank you guys so much for the support, it makes me so unbelieveably happy! So I wrote a little teaser of the first chapter. It's not the whole chapter but half of it. Enjoy.~  

Today was the day.

The day I've been silently dreading....well not silently. I think everyone knew that I dreaded today, if they didn't they were deaf as I was a very vocal person. 

"Cedric?" My best friend, Cecilia questioned.

"Yes?" I lifted my gaze from my cosmo magazine.

"I asked what you were going to do?" She lifted an eyebrow.

"Hmm, I dont know, " I sighed out, "I know my mother won't let me not go. I really just wanna stay here with you for ever! Cecy bear." I whined.

She crossed her arms over her chest, "I love you too, but you can't just not go." 

"You're on my mothers side? Get out of here!"  I huffed out.

"Stop being such a drama queen. You have to go." she glanced down at her magazine and turned the page. 

I glared at her, "I know I have to, doesn't mean I'm going to like it and make it any easier on anyone."

She stood up and tossed her magazine down, "Cedric lets go. You've been here long enough, you have to go home and get ready to get on your flight. God knows you should have been packed before 5 hours until your flight." 

Sighing I slowly got up from her bed, "Why do you have to be on her side?"

"Because I couldn't imagine not knowing my father, nows your chance to make things right with yours. To be able to have that relationship with him, I know you've wanted it all your life."

Rolling my eyes, "Whatever, I'm going." She was right I did crave that father-son relationship, wondered how it would have been if he were here. But he wasn't and it's pretty much too late, what if he didn't like me the way I am? 

"Cedric, would you like for me to see you off?" 

"Would be nice to have my best friend see me off on the most dreadful day of my life! What if you never see me again? What if he's a killer?" 

"He has two kids and a wife, I doubt he's a killer!" She pointed out. Cutting me deep, yeah his family.  The one I wasn't apart of. 

"Killers have families all the time." I walked out of her room, glancing down at my phone. Five missed phone calls from mom, uh oh. 

Following after me, "Don't be so negative! You'll thank us for this one day."  

"Yeah yeah yeah. I'm leaving."

"Be at your house in 4 hours!" 

"Yup!" I yelled back at her, skipping to her front door, walking out and shutting it behind me. I skipped across her lawn to mine. One of the many pluses about having a best friend who lived next door to you. Could easily go to her house. 

As I walked inside of my house I heard my mom shuffling around, I tip toed inside afraid to startle the evil witch of the west!

"Cedric I know you're in here." She walked around the corner in front of me and she didn't look happy.

"Mommy! How are you mommy?" I said while batting my eyelashes.

"I've been calling you young man, why haven't you been answering? Nevermind don't answer that I already know, now go upstairs and make sure you're ready to go. I don't want to have to wait for you when its time to leave."

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