I Have Apparently Gone Mental

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“hey! What about this?” I held up a tank top. I was starting to like this store (even though I still haven’t found anything that you would normally find in hot topic). The tank top was extreamly beautiful. It was the color of one of those really pretty sunsets with the orange,purple, and pink except with a pinch of gray. I looked at the price tag and almost dropped the shirt when I saw what a small price it was.

“OH. MY. GOOD LORD” Maddie said

“That tank top is so beautiful!!!!” thanks for pointing out the obvious Molly

Then I felt that I really didn’t need it. It was like one of those decisions where it finally tells you if your crazy or not. The answer was probably going to be crazy… because I put it back up. I kind of ignored the shocked faces of my friends and moved on.

“ Are you freakin’ crazy?!?!” Maddie asked

“ I wouldn’t nessicarily call it crazy…mental would be the right word.”said Molly

“Thank you Molly. Let me fix that. Are you freakin’ mental Kassidy?!?!?!”

“Listen I just thought that I didn’t need it so I put it back.”

Maddie turned to Molly and said ” Yep. She’s definetly lost it.” molly just nodded. They both took my arms and dragged me out of that section of the store.

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