9 - "Don't Hit Her."

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After Isabella, and Ezra left I had no choice but to go back to Eleanor. I sat down at my booth as she looked up at me grabbing my hand and giving my cheek a quick pinch. Frowning at her, I stuck my hands into my pockets and motioned for the waiter to come. 

"So I was thinking maybe you could come over tomorrow." Eleanor giggled slightly turning her head towards the right. 

"Eleanor, this has to stop." I mumbled rubbing my hands against my face.

"What do you mean?"

"This shit between us, what ever the fuck it is, it's not something I signed up for." I was so done with her playing dumb, and her butting in my damn business all the fucking time. This is what I fucking get for trying to get some pussy. Gesù Cristo. 

"Well you sure as hell didn't seem to think that last night when I was blowing you." She snapped, her nostrils flaring as she gave me a look that could kill. 

"You knew exactly what the fuck you were in for the second you let me inside your bedroom ." The waiter placed our menus in front of us as her eyes filled with tears. Great, just fucking great!  I wasn't her boyfriend, and she wasn't my fucking girlfriend. We were just people who had occasional angry sex. 

"Stop your fucking crocodile tears, cagna! You're causing a damn scene." I hissed, anger consuming my veins at how bratty she was acting. She knew exactly what we were and still tried to cling on to me as if I were some toy. 

"How could you do this to me?" She whispered, wiping tears away from her cheeks, glaring in my direction, as I folded my hands together. Did she not fucking realize the only reason why I even brought her here was so I could come out and tell her we were done without her breaking some of my shit at my house. 

"Listen to me Eleanor, I told you exactly how I was the second you lured me in to your damn bedroom. You dangled yourself in front of me, how are you going to be mad at me when I told you multiple times over and over that I only used you for a good fuck once in a while." As you all can tell I was about to lose my shit. 

"Austin p-please don't." She tucked her head down into her arms as I merely rolled my eyes at the sight. Fuck this, I'm out. I have other shit I need to worry about. I got up, throwing a couple hundred onto the table, letting her know that she could buy whatever the fuck she wanted and got ready to leave. 

I had almost slipped out until her nails dug into my wrist painfully and stopped me, as I turned around. God help me, girl or not I was about to snap. "You might leave, but they'll come after you." Eleanor pursed her lips in anger making me laugh. She was talking about her pathetic pussy crew of brothers. 

"Tell them I'll be getting my dick sucked by another girl, they can join if they want." I smirked as she cried out in anger and back handed me across the face unexpectedly, the sharp end of her ring cutting my cheek as I hissed in not only pain but in anger as well. Shit, she got me good. Clenching my fists in anger I held back my outburst. 

Don't hit her. Don't hit her. Don't hit her. Don't hit her. I kept reminding myself, as I breathed through my nose at a fast pace. You're trying to become a good person. Hold back - must refrain - don't - hit - her! I turned around angrily holding my cheek and stomped out the restaurant. First the damn shipments are late then fucking Isabella out with Ezra who was supposed to be my friend since I'm the one who fucking hired him, and this this bitch! I cannot believe this. 

I needed to get laid, and headed to Isabella's seemed a good option. I did a background check on her a few days back. Her record was sealed shut for some reason. I didn't get it until I found out who her parents were. Amelia, and Harold King. The biggest drug lords around when I was introduced to this entire mafia life. They were both full Italian so that's how Isabella knew Italian. She grew up with Italian speaking parents. 

I did some more digging and found out from some police records that she was there that night when her parents were murdered. So that's why she was crying that night I cornered her, I'm so fucking stupid how could I ever do that to her. She was apparently thirteen, and she went into post traumatic stress disorder where all she would do was just stare out the window for a few days. She was written down as an anxiety and depression patient in her medical records. After she was passed along to her alcoholic uncle Isabella lost it. He described her as crazy in the police report. Although what he said that she had done wasn't included I was sure it was just a bunch of mishap. An uncle like hers could've just hallucinated and imagined the entire damn thing. They didn't even have fucking proof to do shit. 

Either way, Isabella was put into mental therapy where she lived for a few years until she got better, and got out. She had spent her entire high school life in a asylum. . . they considered her as a mental patient because she witnessed her parent's death. . . I couldn't even believe it. I didn't see her as the things they described her as, I saw a girl who was sassy, and confident with herself. Who wasn't afraid to kick you in the balls and cry when she needed to. She was a chase, and I guess that's exactly why I lusted after her. I wanted her in so many different ways it was hard to explain. Nonetheless I don't think she would appreciate me knowing all these things about her when she hadn't told me. She was a pretty closed person.

When I pulled up to Scarlet and Isabella's apartment I didn't even have to think twice. It was now or never. 



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Until Next Time

-xoxo, A

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