~》s e v e n

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"PAMELA" Craig furiously shouted

We stood about a minute or so having a glare war.

"DONT YOU DARE" he said as he watched me slowly bring the hose up.

"PAMELA DO NOT" I glared once again at him locating and aiming at my target.

"IF YOU SPRAY ME ONE MORE TIME I SWEAR I'LL-" too late. My thumb pressed down the hose's button shooting water directly at Craig drenching him completely.

"Whoops, my bad" I snickered while Craig did not look amused at all.
"I swear, one of these days you will pay so hard you will-" The sound of the dryer beeping indicating the clothe was dried interrupted Craig. "Looks like your shirt is already dried" I smiled and skipped my way to the dryer. "What has you in Lisa Frank trance?" He questioned as he approached the dryer. I took his shirt out and threw it at him. "Freedom from the almighty shitty Craig Tucker" I cackled manically. "Clyde wasn't kidding when he said the mental hospital was searching for you" Craig muttered under his breath. "What?" I decided to give him a second chance to live. "Nothing" good, fear me.

"Anyways, remember. No contact of any kind. You cant look at me, you cant sit next to me don't you even dare breathe near me" I exaggerated and put my hand on my hip. "What if the teacher tells me to sit next to you or work with you?" "Thats an exception. But my point here is, don't cause un-necessary trouble" "Me? You're the one with the stick up their ass all the time" I glared at Craig.

"Don't make me kick you" I threatened. With a sigh, Craig put his hands in the air teasingly as if to say surrender. "Good. I might be 5'3 but these legs don't fail me in strength" "oh poor dear me, what shall I ever do about this criminal after me. I sure hope I get to wake up tomorrow" He said monotonously.

His phone started to ring, I instantly knew it was his mom. "Gotta go, I have other places to be

I guided him out the door and watched him leave.

Part of me wanted to throw a party with guacamole and chips and another part of me felt kind of dejected without a special target to aim in school.

I guess I could always find another one, but Craig had this certain ring to him. He is stubborn as fuck and wont give up which makes our fights more interesting than usual. Oh well, bitches are going to bitch around.

"Is captain blueberry of the USS douchebag-prise gone?" A unforgettable voice that belonged to a special blonde came from upstairs. "Kenny what the fuck are you doing in my house?" I yelled as I went upstairs. "I was bored" I followed the sound of his voice which led me to the tv room.

There he was, Kenny McCormick, prideful as ever laying on the couch in a sluggish position as he ate an apple. "Were did you get the apple?" "The fridge" "Who let you in?" "Myself" "How long have you've been here?" "Enough to witness you goggling a shirtless Craig" Kenny howled in laughter. "Not funny, have you seen him? He looks like Gaspers cousin!" I said. "Yeah but hot damn those precious abs. Jesus take the wheel" Kenny began to fan himself pretending to sweat. "I don't know what your talking about" My cheeks flushed. I was already 100% uncomfortable in the direction this conversation was taking off. "Oh yes, it slips my mind that you are more of an ass type" he smiled. "Too bad the ass is found in his personality rather than his lower bottom" "Pam don't fucking lie, that ass was sculptured by the hands of gods and you know it" He was toppling with laughter so much that I was afraid he would pass out of air.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah right, and he loves me" I said sarcastically. Kenny finally regained his sanity. "He actually has taken a like on you if you are too oblivious to notice" Kenny said. Switch roles, now the room was being filled with my laughters. "Ah yes! Nothing express "I love you" more than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich smacked to your face, how romantic" I snorted un-lady like. "Keep talking shit Pam, I bet you $50 dollars that he likes you" "Aw Kenny, as much as I'd like to win $50 dollars, I cannot take away your yearly allowance" I mocked. "Contrary, I can already see what I'll buy with that type of money" Kenny smiled cheekily.

The bully (Craig Tucker South Park fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu