Chapter 5 Black Mailed

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I didn't have a good night sleep at all. I stayed up thinking about how I'm blackmailed and what I had to do. I walked to Wayne Enterprise where I was met in the lobby by Bruce. "Hey Victoria we are gonna head back to the manor. So come on." he said leading me to the back here his sports car was. Damn that car almost made me drool--call me a car lover--but I'm more into bikes.


"I thought you would be happy to not be passing papers out?" he says opening his sports car's doors.

I climbed in and the smell of new leather filled my senses, the drive to Wayne Manor seemed very sort. Tim was laying on the couch asleep when I walked in with Bruce. I saw him glance at Tim as I walked over to him. "Awe he looks so cute when he's asleep." I said i opened my purse and took out a Sharpe and drew on his face, I heard Bruce chuckle as he saw what I drew. we left to his office where I had to sort some papers, help organized some taxes.

When I entered the kitchen Dick was standing in front of the counter making himself a sandwich smiled at me when he noticed my presence . "So have you pranked Tim yet? because he is sleep on the couch."

"Actually yes." I picked up my phone and pressed send. "He should be waking up and coming in here in 3... 2... 1.."

"Hey Vic." Tim's husky sleepy voice said with a yawn, Dick burst out laughing did I. "What?" he asked when we didn't answer and continue to laugh, he ran to the bathroom were he yelled "Victoria!" he came back in.

"Yes loser?" I tried to calmly asked after trying to keep from laughing. on his for head was the word loser and the nickname that I gave him when we were 15. His was sexy butt mine was freakzilla. But I wrote I have a really sexy butt.

"No one stopped you from doing this?" he's voice has a hint of pissed and chuckles.

"I chose not to stop her." Bruce speaks up upon entering the kitchen. "Victoria I'm going to head to enterprise Lucius needs me."

"I'll be here im probably going to be dead when you get back." looking at Tim with a giggle.

When he left Dick went up to his room and Tim then went into the bathroom to try and wipe off the marker. I had time to get what I needed. I silently hurried up to Bruce Wayne's office where his computer was, but it had a password.

I easily hacked into it where I found no passwords to his bank account. I erased my traces, and I explored the upper levels on the manor until I found a room with white sheets covering an arm ware, couches, chairs, desks, etc. I saw a desk that was uncovered I opened it and saw there was a safe inside the cupboard. I opened my purse and took out a small black light where I shined it as the keypad. I put on a glove before using the keypad to press in the passcode. it opened were I found some jewels and a pearl necklace. I grabbed them a put them deep in a hidden compartment in my purse. I made sure there was no evidence I was there before I went into Tim's bedroom. his room was ginormous when he finally came in all the marker was off.

"You know you're so mean to me." he said drying his face and draping the towel on his chair

"Your meaner. Plus you had it coming I mean you were there asleep it was a clear shot to humiliate you." I stood up and opened his closet going threw his clothes. "You know now that I'm working here your not going to have any clothes, right."

"So what your saying you just agreed to this job because you wanted to steal all my clothes." he said laying back in his bed. Us being teenagers I would always steal is clothes, because I unlike others in high school I only had a small amount of clothes shared by Alice and I "What is with you girls stealing guy's clothes, is it how big they are? how comfortable they are? or is it because they smell like me?"

"Yep. Don't you have any video games, I'm bored." he got up and put me over his shoulder taking me to a big room where all types of games were there. he put me down on the couch and gave me a controller to a fighting game. after a while we got competitive and began to push each other then I ended up sprawling out making him loose.

"Yes I win again loser 10 to 3." laughing at him, I heard Bruce enter the room.

"Wow it seems that you got him beat." I smiled and gathered my stuff as it was almost time to head home "Victoria I just need to you put this file in the cabinet before you head out."

"Yes sir." I said heading up stairs to his office I opened the file and read that is was an addition to the basement under Wayne enterprise, 'what's under Wayne Enterprise that it needs an expansion?'' I shrug putting the file in the right place before heading down stairs. "Alright Bruce I'm going to head home now." he said goodnight before Tim shot me with a sling shot rubber band and paper. "Your so childish. good night Sexy Butt." I say closing the door before he could shoot me again.

As I walked home I checked to see if I was being followed I enter the ally from last night. "Do you have it?" the voice asked from the shadows.

I nodded taking the jewels and the necklace out of my purse "Is my cover safe?" placing them on a box.

"For now." He said coming out of the shadows his Black skull like mask glistened against the light of the street with cars passing by.

"For now? You said if I get the jewels and the necklace you would keep it a secret." I dared to raise my voice to him remembering what happened last time.

"I need you to seal more stuff for me since you are close to the rich boy. Plus you owe me for locking me up."

"No way I'm done." I say starting to walk away but his goons trapped me in the alley with him.

"You will and this is what I need you to steal." a chuckle built up in his throat making me tremble with the fear from years past.

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