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my ribs dig into my lungs, they cannot expand

they can't fill with the air i am so desperately gasping for

no breath is deep enough to give me the relief i need

i can't breathe.

i can't breathe, i can't breathe icantbreatheicantbreatheicantbreathe

I can't breathe, my heart pounds out of my chest

i can hear the sound in my ears and it overtakes all my senses and all i can feel is death's grip on my pounding heart

slowly, meticulously

torturing me. pulling my aching heart from my chest at an incomprehensibly slow pace

I'm dying.






I'm dying slowly and there's nothing I can do about it

my vision is blurry and I can barely stand

I cannot stand why death does not just grab me instead of torturing me with this promise

torturing me by letting me know how easy it is to get me 

how easy it is to get my body to turn against me

how easy it is to turn my mind against me




dying dying dying dying dying dying dying

but i'm not

I'm not dying and still

there's nothing I can do about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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