Danny Jones and James Bourne (Boyfriend and Brother)

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This I dedicated to my friend who encouraged me to write these imagines, you know who you are.

I was sat in my apartment which I share with my brother James who is in the band McBusted. I was wearing a men's baggy t-shirt, Hawaii sweat pants and I had my hair up in a messy bun. I was sat on my sofa with a cup of tea watching my one of my favourite TV shows BBC's Robin Hood. My brother walked in and ruffled my hair and sat down next to me.

"Hey lil sis"

"I'm not little I'm 22"

"Your still my baby sister"

"Oh shut up"

After a while of us just having friendly sibling bickering I got a text from my boyfriend who happens to be Danny Jones who like James is also in McBusted.

We met a few years ago when James took me to see McFly concert. As he is friends with Tom one of the members we went backstage and me and Danny just sort of hit it off. Now we have been going out for about 2 years now. At times he still isn't allowed in my bubble but apart from those times we are very close.


Hey babe we are going to the studio to practice tonight. Would you like to join us I have a surprise planned ;) xoxox

- Me -

Yer sure, what time??


Just ask your brother :p

- Me -

Wow. Your so sarcastic


Oh and your not

- Me -

No obviously ;)

"Is that your boyfriend your texting" James mused

"Oh shut it. He is your friend"

"Yer, which is why he better not hurt you"

"Come on James you know Danny more than anyone. He will not hurt me"

"Yer yer, I know. Are you coming to practice tonight?"

"Yer Danny just asked and I said yes. Do you know what he is planning?"

"Absolutely no idea" he said with a grin

"Your a terrible liar"


- A few hours later -

James dropped me off at the front of the studio and said that he needed to park round the back. So I just walked in.

To say I was shocked at what I saw was an understatement.

Red and white rose petals were scattered all over the floor with lit candles creating a walkway. Obviously, I followed the path and it lead me out to the small garden which was round the back.

There he stood.

Danny was stood in a low cut white shirt and skinny black jeans holding a bouquet of red roses. all around him were a heart shape of lit candles and rose petals and in the middle was a picnic blanket with pillows blankets and all my favourite food including spring rolls.

"Where are the others?"

"It's just us babe"

"Where's James?"

"He helped me set this up"

"Of course he did"

"Come here" he extended his arms and I walked into them. He held me tightly in his warm embrace I felt his muscles through his thin shirt.

Then the song The Heart Never Lies started playing and Danny darted whispering the lyrics in my ear.

"Some people fight, Some people fall, Others pretend they don't care at all, If you want to fight I'll stand right beside you, The day that you fall I'll be right behind you, To pick up the pieces, If you don't believe me, Just look into my eyes, Cause the heart never lies"

By this point I was crying and he noticed. He pulled away from the tight hug and kissed my tears away.

"Y/N I fell in love with you the first time I saw you in the front row of our concert as when I met you I fell even harder for you"

He got down on one knee and pulled out a purple velvet box.

"Y/N will you do the honour of being my fabulous Mrs Jones?" tears now cascading down both our faces.

"YES OH MY GOD YES" I screamed like a little school girl and flung myself into his welcoming arms. He slipped the gold ring onto my finger and I noticed it had a heart shape diamond in the middle, engraved round the band was 'I love you with all my heart'


"Yer mate"


I tuned around to see the rest of McBusted and my family standing there watching us.

This is the best day of my life..

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