James Bourne

626 19 3

This story is dedicated to my friend... You know who you are.

It was a hot summer day mid August and it was scorching. I got up at my normal time of 11am except one thing was wrong. I turned around in bed and there was no James. James is my boyfriend of 2 years and is apart of the band McBusted. I got up had a shower which took longer than expected and got dressed in a baggy t-shirt which is related to Hawaii where one of my favourite TV shows Hawaii Five- O is based, and knee length shorts.

As I made my way downstairs I looked around and still no James.

"James!" No reply

"James!" No reply

I wandered outside and the minute I stepped foot outside a wave of freezing cold water hit me. I looked up and there stood James with a now empty bucket of water.

"James! You got me wet"

"Wouldn't be the first time" He raise an eyebrow at me and smirked

"Merr" I dragged out

"Are you ever going to tell me what that's about?"


"Well then" Just as he said that another wave of water hit me.

When did he refill the bucket??

"Your going to get it now" I ran well galloped and grabbed the hose and started to chase James around the garden. After about an hour we were both drenched and was laying on the grass laughing our heads off.

"I'll order Chinese while you go change" James stated

"I love you, you know that"

"You only love me for the spring rolls" he mocked swishing his hair like a diva

"Well spring rolls then you" you sassed

The next thing i know i am being picked up and chucked in our swimming pool.

"What was that for?" you shouted surprised

"Because I could"

"I hate you" I hugged crossing my arms

"No you don't"

"No I don't know help me out" He reached out an you grabbed his hand before smirking and pulling him in.

"What was that for?" He asked

"Because I could" I mimicked him from earlier

He just smirked in return and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into him and kissing me gently...

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