Chapter 1 - Cat Empire and Queen Bees

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"Wait, wait, wait." Melissa said, holding her hands up for me to stop. "What do you MEAN you don't have time to go to the concert?" 

"I just don't." I responded, chewing on a lettuce leaf. I shrugged carelessly and flicked my hand at her. "Just go without me. It's not like I'd be any fun anyway." 

Melissa glared at me and crossed her arms. "I KNOW you won't be any fun!" She snapped.

Always been a charmer, Mel has. I smiled slightly at the thought.

"Come on, Mel. Don't stress it." Kate butted in, patting Mel's shoulder lightly in an attempt to calm her down.

"The point is, you don't just miss Cat Empire! You've only been, like, four times!" Mel hissed, gesturing wildly. Cindy looked at me and shrugged. 

"I don't know if I can go either, Mel. Sorry." Cindy said carefully, her blonde hair hanging just below her shoulders.

That was what was so different about our little group - we all looked very different. Cindy had her fair Swedish looks with blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin. Melissa had mousy coloured hair and hazel eyes, and was considered the twin of Kate. Kate had the same mousy coloured hair and hazel eyes, but where height was concerned, Melissa towered over Kate. And then, there was me. Dark brown hair down to my waist, tanned hispanic skin and brown eyes. Like I said - we all looked different. 

Mel glared at Cindy and I, and Kate rolled her eyes. "FINE." Mel snapped. "Don't go! See if I care!" 

Kate laughed while Mel pouted. Suddenly a hand tapped Cindy on the shoulder.

"Hey, losers. What's this I hear about Cat Empire?" A tall blonde girl smiled viciously. Two girls were standing behind her, sneering.  

"We're going to see them perform..." Cindy mumbled, her shyness taking over. 

"Oh you're going to the concert? You might have some trouble getting in, you know..." The girl sneered. Mel and I looked at each other, confused.

"What do you mean...trouble?" Mel asked suspiciously. 

"Oh you don't know yet? They don't let sad losers into good concerts." The girl grinned.

"Oh, fuck off Britney." Kate glared at the blonde girl and her cronies.

"Meh. Suit yourselves - don't blame me when you get your ugly asses turned away at the door though. Love you all!" She blew us a kiss and grinned, walking off with her backup team.

Kate jumped up and clenched her fists, about the bark something at Britney, but Cindy grabbed her hand and yanked her back down. "Not worth it." She mumbled.

We all looked at each other and sighed. Yet another day at Chermenty High.

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