Chapter 2 - Sleeping Through the Past

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"ROSE DIAZ! If you are sleeping I swear I will -" Ms.Carlen screamed at me. I jolted awake, my head lifting off the desk.

"Um - twenty-four!" I blurted out, hoping that we were actually in maths class. We weren't.

"Miss Diaz, if you have nothing better to do than SLEEP during my class, then I suggest LEAVING it. Get out. Now." She said, glaring daggers at me. 

I sighed and picked up my books, trudging out of the classroom. I heard the snickers and whispers of Britney and her cronies behind me, but I ignored them. I opened the door and closed it quietly as I walked out into the school corridor. I checked my watch. 


Meh, not much longer. No point going to the office...might as well pack my stuff. I thought.

My phone beeped and I pulled it out of my pocket, thankful that it hadn't gone off in class. 

"Meet u at the bus stop after skool. idiot. u got chucked out AGN. jesus christ rose." Mel texted me. 

"Sure thing. sorry. not my fault that carlen cant keep any1 awake tho :/" I texted back, angrily pressing the buttons. I was really annoyed about being kicked out again. Third time this week...

"Oh um, hi." A voice said from behind me. I turned around and a boy was standing there awkwardly rubbing his neck.

"Um, hi?" I responded suspiciously. What the hell?

"I'm kind of...lost. Could you help me out? Sorry - new student." He smiled nervously. 

"Yeah sure. I don't have the timetable memorised though so, you know, if you have it that would be great..." I replied grumpily. I was still annoyed at being thrown out.

"Oh - yeah - I do!" He jumped, flipping open his diary and passing it to me. "Room 7. Year 12 Chem."

I eyed him cautiously. "You don't really look like a year offense." I added hastily.

"I'm not." He gave a small smile. "I'm year 11."

"So...why are you...?" I asked, completely confused.

"I do a few year 12 subjects..." He said awkwardly, shrugging as he tried to hide his embarassment.

"Wow." I said blankly. "What subjects?"

"Chem, Bio, Maths and English - oh and History too." He replied. "Um I should probably get going..."

"Oh, yeah, right. Ok go down this corridor and when you get out the doors, turn left and it should be down there. You'll see it, like, straight away." I explained, hoping like hell that I was right.

"Cool, thanks!" He smiled, his eyes crinkling. Cute.

"No probs." I smiled back and watched as he walked off.

Well, I said to myself. He was cute. Wonder where he's from...?

I wandered slowly to my locker, and just as I got there the bell went. I grinned and yanked my bag out of the messy locker, throwing random books into the back pocket. I closed the locker door, locked it and walked away, just as the crowds began to swarm through the corridors.

I walked slowly to the bus stop down the road, texting Mel.

"Hurry up. ull miss the freakin bus u moron lol" I texted her, grinning. We had a bad habit of insulting each other whenever we texted. We had both agreed that it was our own way of showing affection for each other. Whatever that meant. I laughed at the thought.

"Yh yh - im coming. dont get ur nickers in a not" She responded almost immediately. Typical Mel - time to text but no time to get to the bus stop.

Suddenly, the bus pulled up. I glanced up from my phone just in time to notice that it was the bus Mel and I were meant to catch. I pulled my bus ticket out of my bag and got on the bus, allowing the long queue in front of me to slowly file on. I grabbed a seat at the front and started texting Mel again.

"Lol told u that u were a moron - u missed the bus. ill let peter no that ull b late." I sent.

Immediately a reply came. "Eff! y didnt u hold it up? jeez. thx tell pete - gimme...half an hour?"

"kk." I responded, not really in the mood to talk anymore. I had another three hours of part time job to get through, after all. I pulled my headphones out and put them in my ears, turning on a Cat Empire song. I leaned against the window as the bus slowly drove down the empty streets, leaving the hell-hole that was my school far behind.  

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