OSC/ Nine

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One Step Closer/ Nine

                               The radio box cranked out oldies, as the night breeze blew in through the window, swirling the haze of smoke throughout the room.

                             “I mean, seriously, yo- what the fuck is up, wit that BITCH he runnin around wit? That heffa is like, pale as fuck!” heckled Kara, as Tracey laughed. Kara took another pull from the bong, sitting up, as soon as she went into a cough. Tracey took the bong.

                             “Fuck that bitch! I see she didn’t bring her pale ass outside when I called her ass out!” boasted Tracey as she lit the bong….the smoke poured into her lungs, as she released, reclining back onto the contours of her mattress. “I hate that bitch…I hate fuckin Lonzo even worse for trynna flaunt that bitch in my face!”

                              “Pass that shit,” said another girl.

                              “You better reach for this shit, Daneca. Do I look like I’m trynna stretch all over the floor?” barked Tracey. The girl reached for the bong, as Tracey lay back onto the mattress. “This is some bullshit…how the hell, he gonna put me out his place the other night and disrespect me all in front of this bitch?”

                             “Aint that, that same bitch that got you fired from yo job at the sushi place?” asked Kara. She took a swallow of her 22 oz Colt 45, and proceeded to light a cigarette.

                            “I shouldda threw that wasabi sauce in that bitch’s eyes,” cackled Tracey, as Daneca started coughing, as she had tried to laugh, while still smoking. Kara pulled the cigarette from her mouth, laughing as smoke poured from her mouth.

                             “When is Melvin comin wit that shit? That nigga is late,”

                            “He’ll be here…yall need to stop actin like fuckin junkies,” hissed Tracey. She picked up her can of Bud, and took a drink. “Thank goodness I’m off tomorrow,”

                            “Maaaaan, don’t even talk about off days,” groaned Kara. “I need one. I hate that fuckin supervisor at my store- Condi. She be getting on my last nerves…and get this- she be hoverin around ya boy. I think she be trynna tell him to not talk with me, or some shit,”

                            “Bitches always trynna salt another bitch’s game,” preached Tracey, as she lit a cigarette. “I gotta figure this shit out…Imma be short on my bills this month. This coffee house job aint payin shit,”

                            “I can’t do shit- I’m on probation,” said Kara. “That lady be comin by to check up on me too…bitch,”

                            “I might have to ask Melvin’s ass to help me out until I pick up some more money,” sighed Tracey. “I onno…we talkin and everything, but I really don’t want him all up in here in my shit,”

                            “You should see about getting public assistance,” said Daneca. “If you had Kylie with you, you would be getting a good sizeable check…and you could also hit Alonzo for child support,”

                           “That nigga got custody of Kylie…and he act like he don’t wanna give her back,” scoffed Tracey. “He workin two jobs- when does he spend time with her? He must be takin her over to his mama’s house on the weekends…I’ll kill that nigga if I found out he be leavin my baby there with that bitch,”

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