Chapter 19

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A few months pass and Erin messages Mason around 3am or so
E" hey are you awake ?"
M"hey yeah I'm up what's up ?"
E"well I have some news "
M"tell me "
E"well I met this guy a couple weeks back and we've been hanging out a lot and going on dates and that sorta stuff, I just wanted to make sure your okay with it "

Mason hesitantly answers " oh lovely ! Nah I'm happy for yall tell me more in the morning I'm really tired I'm gonna get some sleep "
Mason locks his phone and puts it on his bedside locker holding a pillow tightly as he cries into it
" I can't believe this is happening, what makes this guy so great " Mason mutters into the pillow

The next day Mason wakes up and checks his phone but no message from Erin
"Huh that's weird she usually always spams me ... Must be busy with her boyfriend "
Mason leaves it be and waits for her to message him but yet still nothing
"I guess she's having a busy day "
A week passes and still not a word from Erin
"Now I'm super worried "

Masons phone lights up in the middle of the night
"Hey Mason,listen ..... Since I'm in s relationship now you should move on with your life and meet a girl that's gonna care for you like no other one who will always be around and love you for you. I'm sorry to have to say this but we can't talk anymore.... My boyfriend doesn't feel comfortable about it so for the sake of the relationship, I'm sorry "
Mason doesn't check his phone until he gets into school.he held in his tears as he had a beep test(fitness) throughout the entire test he couldn't stop thinking about that message. The class knowledgeable of masons feelings toward Erin. As Mason gets to 13.11 one of the girls shouts " DO IT FOR ERIN". Mason immediately stops and goes into the locker rooms crying.
Aleksandra follows him " hey Mason are you alright "
"She's dating somebody Alek " tears roll down masons face
"But honey that's not your fault " Alek tries to help
"It is my fault I'm not good enough and I never will be good enough " Mason sobs
"Listen to me you are ! Your the perfect guy just not for her honey" Aleksandra reassures him
"Thanks Alek " Mason smiles and kisses her cheek

A few years pass and no contact has been made between the two
Mason now on a scholarship for soccer in USA and Erin an apprentice nurse at the local hospital
Last Mason heard was that Erin's relationship had been going good. Mason along with a few fellow friends go out to a local bar where Mason meets a girl named Abby
The two chat for quite a long time and eventually agree to go on a second date and six months on the two are dating

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