Chapter 3

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Liberty's mom P.O.V

Still haven't heard of her, she must of already landed.

I could probably call my sister, buuut I probably shouldn't.

I had second thoughts, I dialled her number.

1 ring 2 rings 3 rings 4 rings 5 rings and finally in the middle of 5 rings she picks up.

"Hello" she says.

"Hi Anne (her sister and ps the moms name is lily)" I said speaking up.

'Hi Hun how are you?" She asked.

"Good, good, do you mind putting liberty on the line" I asked.

"Liberty she's not here yet! I thought she was still on the plane" she asked.

"No her flight was supposed to land last night at around 9, oh no, do you think..." I was scared at this point, my 10 year old daughter was on a plane by herself that might of CRASHED!!!

"It couldn't have, here you call the airport, they know what planes crash and stuff right?" She asked, at this point we were both freaking out.

"Hold on I have to call Rob" I said to Anne (Ps Robs lily's husband).

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. No answer.

Nononononononono, this can't happen, so I put a voice mail.

"Hey Rob, when you want to call your wife! Give me a call, also our ONLY daughter might have been in a plane crash so she might be DESERTED ON AN ISLAND" I angrily hung up.

This Can't Be Happening.

I dialled a number any number I needed some one to talk to anyone on my contact list, two names appeared to me that might be useful.

Frieda and Marcia.

Frieda- my good old friend from collage who was hilarious and serious when she needs to be. She would be the one to call when I need her.

Marcia- also good old friend from collage, she was Frieda's twin sister and she was very, I don't know the responsible one, but if I never needed anything I would probably call Frieda.

I called Frieda she answered after about 3 rings.

"Hello" she said with her cheeky Canadian accent (yes Canadians rule!).

"Oh yes Frieda, how are you?" I asked.

"Good good, long time no speak" I chuckled at that.

"Um I need a favour" I asked.

Liberty's P.O.V

Survival kit what is this, what's this? I pulled out a crumpled piece of paper.

"Hi liberty how are you, you will find out who I am later but first listen, or read, so the pilot is a crazy maniac, so that's why I made this plane crash, I knew you would survive because of what you are capable of, any who look through all of luggage there's a lot and I mean a lot of stuff you can use of this ps some how the pilot survived so I have a gun and stuff for you to kill him also use this bottle to send out a note use the pencil in here pps I also have a special radio to connect but I might not because of the service well that's the end of the note so ya bye sincerely

-co pilot/ mr. stabche your grade 4 teacher and ppps good luck.

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